I am at that point again where I need a little time for school work. OK, I need a lot of time. I have been such the procrastinator this past week. I hate the start of school. I always need a week or two adjustment period once school initiates so that I can come off my 'vacation high.' When your course syllabi shows otherwise...well it becomes a matter of "OK, I need to get my sh*t together real quick!"
So here are some tidbits of news and or fun for today:

Woofables! : I don't know if you all have seen Roque's gay-themed Mighty Woofables comic strip, but if you haven't already caught Scotty's shout out to him, get yourself over to Roque's site and see the talent this guy has from a graphics standpoint. He has an icon on his sidebar that will directly link you to his comic strip. As for myself, I had already been introduced to Roque's comic strip via Pete from The Shortbus. I think it will be fun to watch it develop. I even think a few people are already getting attached to characters. I know of one blogger that already has an affinity for a certain red-haired, goateed character named Jamie. ;-)
Another genuine-hearted blogger: I also wanted to give a shout out to CityWOOF! I came across him via Mark at Zeitzeuge. CW started blogging at about the same time I did so he is still new to the blogosphere. Mosey on over to his site and take a gander yourself. He won't bite you, I promise! Let him know I sent you. I know personally I am enjoying his posts. CW also happens to be an aspiring singer. This Saturday, May 20th, he is involved in a local Portland solo musical production called Broadway on Broadway, of which he is the star. Take a moment to wish him well. "CW, way to go. Knock'em dead!"

Some fun: I'm posting a few pics of me, one with and one without a goatee. Can you guess how old I am in each of them? Guess it right and you might win a special prize. L.O.L. And by the do you think I look without the goatee? I was contemplating shaving it off for the summer. The last picture of my backside pose is a gratuitous post of me. Hope you like it!
Who's a HUNK?: Did you all get over to Derek's site and see his post on who he selected as his HUNK OF THE WEEK for 5/17? To my awesome friend and awardee, here's looking at you, in more ways than one. ;-) Be sure to check out my comments that I posted under under Derek's 5/17 article. [**Spider - go back and check'em out.] Think it will entertain you. Of course, you all need to remember that dear ol' "daddy" (me) outmatched this young but spry "colt" (Brett) by achieving such high honors prior to him. Now the issue is can he bow down to me and admit he is nothing but a lowly commoner when he is in the presence of true "royalty." Boy! am I talking smack here. OMG! Is BrettCajun rubbing off on me. Please, is there a doctor out there that can tell me whether I can be spared from such a life-threatening disease???
HOT or COLD?: I have to say that I found the results of yesterday's 5/17 post, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT -Hot or Cold?, to be rather interesting. I believe I have a 'new' appreciation for Cold being HOT! Some reasons that have crossed my mind now: How invigorating and stimulating a cold shower can be; what marvels a cold, wet t-shirt can do to a man's chest (GRRRRR!); the sensation of a melting ice cube being run down your back. OK, time out here. I know...I'm so bad!
Well, I need to get to class in a bit and on to homework. Ya'll have a good Wednesday. The best!
So here are some tidbits of news and or fun for today:

Woofables! : I don't know if you all have seen Roque's gay-themed Mighty Woofables comic strip, but if you haven't already caught Scotty's shout out to him, get yourself over to Roque's site and see the talent this guy has from a graphics standpoint. He has an icon on his sidebar that will directly link you to his comic strip. As for myself, I had already been introduced to Roque's comic strip via Pete from The Shortbus. I think it will be fun to watch it develop. I even think a few people are already getting attached to characters. I know of one blogger that already has an affinity for a certain red-haired, goateed character named Jamie. ;-)
Another genuine-hearted blogger: I also wanted to give a shout out to CityWOOF! I came across him via Mark at Zeitzeuge. CW started blogging at about the same time I did so he is still new to the blogosphere. Mosey on over to his site and take a gander yourself. He won't bite you, I promise! Let him know I sent you. I know personally I am enjoying his posts. CW also happens to be an aspiring singer. This Saturday, May 20th, he is involved in a local Portland solo musical production called Broadway on Broadway, of which he is the star. Take a moment to wish him well. "CW, way to go. Knock'em dead!"

Some fun: I'm posting a few pics of me, one with and one without a goatee. Can you guess how old I am in each of them? Guess it right and you might win a special prize. L.O.L. And by the do you think I look without the goatee? I was contemplating shaving it off for the summer. The last picture of my backside pose is a gratuitous post of me. Hope you like it!
Who's a HUNK?: Did you all get over to Derek's site and see his post on who he selected as his HUNK OF THE WEEK for 5/17? To my awesome friend and awardee, here's looking at you, in more ways than one. ;-) Be sure to check out my comments that I posted under under Derek's 5/17 article. [**Spider - go back and check'em out.] Think it will entertain you. Of course, you all need to remember that dear ol' "daddy" (me) outmatched this young but spry "colt" (Brett) by achieving such high honors prior to him. Now the issue is can he bow down to me and admit he is nothing but a lowly commoner when he is in the presence of true "royalty." Boy! am I talking smack here. OMG! Is BrettCajun rubbing off on me. Please, is there a doctor out there that can tell me whether I can be spared from such a life-threatening disease???
HOT or COLD?: I have to say that I found the results of yesterday's 5/17 post, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT -Hot or Cold?, to be rather interesting. I believe I have a 'new' appreciation for Cold being HOT! Some reasons that have crossed my mind now: How invigorating and stimulating a cold shower can be; what marvels a cold, wet t-shirt can do to a man's chest (GRRRRR!); the sensation of a melting ice cube being run down your back. OK, time out here. I know...I'm so bad!
Well, I need to get to class in a bit and on to homework. Ya'll have a good Wednesday. The best!
Wow such hot pictures!! I like the goatee better but then again facial hair is really uber hot.
Thanks for the heads up on the comic, I must go check it out.
Thanks for the shout out, sweet man! I'm really starting to get a crush on you....
I think you look great either way. I, too, have a thing for facial hair, but you look hot clean-shaven as well as goateed!
I had seen the WOOFABLES cartoons, they are great. You're a WOOFABLE yourself, Tony!
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45 and 34???? Just a random guess. Keep the goatee. Goes so well with that hairy chest and I love the touch of gray.
I go with 45 with goate and 44 without. You really do look completely different without it.
Of course there is the back shot. Hot!
As much as I love goatees, and you KNOW how much I love goatees, I think I like you better without one - look younger... 38 in the goateeless pic, 42 in the goatee pic...
You are so damned handsome!
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