Friday, May 19, 2006


Darn! I don't know what it is with me. My focus is so far away from school. Is it bigtime burnout with school? Is it because the class workload is slowly piling up? Heck, I still have another class to sign-up for online, assuming it is not too late. It's session starts next week, I believe, and I should have explored registration last week. Keep your fingers crossed.

But anyway, am I unfocused because summer is just around the corner and I have waterskiing fever. You betcha! I love to waterski. My cousins here in southern California introduced it to me when I was 9 years old and I haven't stopped since. I can only think of two summers in 37 years that I have not been involved in at least one ski trip for the summer. It is strange - it seems that the older I have gotten, in particular the last five years, my passion for it has intensified. I don't know why. It may be because I sense I am getting older and know my body, especially my back, will only hold out for so long before I have to 'hang up the ski!' But while I can, I am going to enjoy every moment of it. Having first started on doubles, I have skied on a single since I was 12 years old. I'm not exceptional but does it really matter when you simply enjoy the activity. As of lately, and as a means to spare my back, I have gotten into the wakeboard trend. No catchin' real air - just simply riding the wake and half spins.

Perhaps retaining my activeness in waterskiing stems from the fact that some of my nieces and nephews are starting to waterski, all at an age where I did. I have a reason now to get up at 6:30am in the morning in Homewood, California and ski Lake Tahoe's 65 degree waters. It helps that you don't have to bribe, maybe that is sucker, your little nephew anymore into maintaining the ski ropes and holding the warning flag. Do I ski this frigid type of water all the time? No way. I finish my summer with a warm waterski trip, the last two years relishing the waters of Lake Havasu, Arizona. Lots of smooth skiing in the early hours in splendid 80+ degree water, with air temperatures starting at about 90 degrees in the morning and ending at 100+ degrees.

So right now I am simply 'buggy' over the thought that I'll be waterskiing soon. Thought I would share a few of last year's Lake Havasu ski trip - me on a single, me on the wakeboard, and the morning and evening scenery. I apologize if some of the pictures are a little hazy. It doesn't help when your 13 year old cousin is operating the camera. Any of you waterski fanatics? As always enjoy and have a great weekend!

***Yesterday's Post - Did you guess my age correctly in each of the pictures? The picture of me without the goatee was taken in April 2004 so I was 44. The photo of me with the goatee was taken last year - 45. It's amazing how much younger I look when I shave off my goatee. My family hates the goatee, in part for that reason. cheater. I told you. And Spider, bless you for making me 38 years old in the beardless pic. ;-)***


At Fri May 19, 04:45:00 AM PDT, Blogger Mark said...

I love waterskiing! Nothing like the roar of the boat engine, the pull out of the water. I used to SING loudly while I skied.

At Fri May 19, 06:12:00 AM PDT, Blogger Joel said...

You see, tehre is a reason I chose not to guess. I know your current age and figure the goatee pic as recent...but to be honest the smooth faced pic I SERIOUSLY thought it must've been 10 years ago...

I am not kidding.

At Fri May 19, 08:37:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, and here I was going to say you were like 25.


At Fri May 19, 09:04:00 AM PDT, Blogger Spider said...

I have not waterskied since I screwed up my knee in college - but it is fun - especially when you take off and your trunks end up around your ankles, that ever happen to you Tony? ~eg~

BTW - you are welcome - I was just being honest...

At Fri May 19, 01:46:00 PM PDT, Blogger DEREK said...

oh another great love we both have. I unfortunately havn't waterskiid in about 4 years. I used to love it too. I remeember the first time I slalomed it was awesome. I wonder if I can find some of my old skiing days. I grew up skiing on the Gulf of Mexico, and a big lake called Lake Blackshear. I'll email you more on this later. Great entry. YOu look great.

At Fri May 19, 01:47:00 PM PDT, Blogger DEREK said...

you look like a kid without it, but oh so hot both ways!

At Sat May 20, 03:07:00 PM PDT, Blogger mattviews said...

Waterskiing is the one of the two things I wish I know how to do. The other is playing saxophone. I'm thrilled when I see people waterskiing! :)

I feel burned out too after a long semester, so I'm enjoying a month off until I start teaching summer school in July. I'll fly home to attend my brother's wedding in Hongkong and hopefully catch up with some sleep.

Good luck with shopping for class.


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