Friday, June 09, 2006


Guess ya'll managed to weather the 'burps and belches' that Blogger was throwing your way Tuesday and yesterday! What a royal frustration. I had posted an article that was encouraging you to stop by two other bloggers' blogs and here you couldn't even leave any commentary. Don't be bashful about reading back through my post from yesterday. Then stop by Rambling Along In Life...With a Stern Point of View and CityWOOF and leave some commentary or words of encouragement.

I had thought about not posting today. Plain and simple ~ I had a crappy day yesterday and didn't feel too motivated. A migraine headache for most of the day; followed by a sh*t load of work dumped on me between my two classes, all due over the next two weeks; some in-between class scrambling to finish out a small project and pack up some presentation boards for photoing; and topped with news that just didn't sit well with me. One long day! So as I arrived home from class last night at 9:30pm, I pulled together a quick bowl of clam chowder, just to get some food in my stomach. I then went to my bedroom, put one of my favorite CDs in the stereo, and began opening email. I usually put this particular CD on when I am running stressed or when I really need to think, more like contemplate my life. Yes, it was one of those moods. (Snap out of it goes on.)

Amongst my sorted email, I had received one from Derek. I opened it and started to read. OMG! I nearly freaked out. He was responding to something I had left in another's blog and it was about the very CD I was listening to at the time, THE PRAYER CYCLE, by Jonathan Elias. Was he reading my mind?!?! Of course I emailed him back to let him know I simply loved this particular CD but did not mention the coincidence. I figured I would let him read it here. Surprise Derek!!! I sometimes wonder if he and I are on the same wavelength.

If you have never heard this particular CD, it's a must. I came across it one day when I was looking for a good instrumental/new age CD to purchase. The ablum is neither. I listened to two songs at the music store and that was enough to get me hooked. The album's music is melodic, entrancing, mind-shifting, perhaps spiritual. The songs are sung in different languages inclusive of Swahili, German, Latin, Italian, French, Hungarian, Hebrew, Mali, Spanish, and of course, English. Some of my favorite artists sing on the Prayer Cycle, including Linda Ronstadt, Alanis Morissette, and one of my all-time favs, James Taylor. Truly a beautiful choral symphony! If your tempted to hear the content, stop by iTunes.

Well, it's time to wrap this post up. I just want to let you know that with my schoolwork really intensifying, moreso than I ever anticipated, I may be reducing my posts to 2-3 times per week. If I do, trust me, it will be painful. I have grown so use to posting daily and look forward to the daily feedback that I receive from each of you. Y'all mean a bunch to me! But getting through these last two quarters of school are so crucial for me ~ something inevitably must give. In this case, the logical choice is the amount of blog writing I put forth.

As they say, TGIF!!!


At Fri Jun 09, 05:15:00 AM PDT, Blogger Spider said...

Sounds like a CD I need to go out and get...

And like Sorted said, life comes first - the blogging - we will all be here for you when you post!

At Fri Jun 09, 05:57:00 AM PDT, Blogger ..:: YNAGER ' 65 ::.. said...

I hate it when real life gets in the way of my mental breaks and escapes, lol. Like they said before me, the nice thing is that this world will always be there.

But I bet you still find time to post a blip everyday, lol.

At Fri Jun 09, 10:40:00 AM PDT, Blogger DEREK said...

TGIF indeed, that was too funny on the Prayer Cycle Cd. I've mentioned it to people so many times, and no one has ever knew what I was talking about, so it was so cool when I had seen your post to someone that it reminded you of it. I'm listening to it myself right now.

At Fri Jun 09, 11:58:00 AM PDT, Blogger Mark said...

I love the Prayer Cycle, have had it for a long time. I love to listen to it in the truck.
Sorry you've been feeling poorly...big hug, sweet man. Thank you so much for your support of me and my quit, and to all your readers who have also jumped over to my page to lend theirs as well. You are just sweetness and light.


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