Well the weekend is off to just a peachy start for me. I'm jumpin' with oh so much joy. I'm forcing a smile I am so happy. Do you sense an undertone of sarcasm here? If you do, it's because I am loaded to the hilt with reading. I have two small projects due, one this Thursday and another a week later. I have two required movies I must view for one of my classes as background resource material (we're talking boring old movies). Lastly, I need to locate my resume to begin updating it for part of my Senior Show, a portfolio development class. Should I locate by resume getting over to my new computer will be real fun. See it's on a floppy disk - didn't those go out about 3 or 4 years ago?!?! Hopefully my trusty KINKO's will be able to assist me there.

Since were on the topic of school, I thought I would share a bit the skills and techniques I have picked up in one area of my design education. Over the past year and a half, I have taken two perspective classes which have enabled me to visualize objects better three-dimensionally. I hope that at a later date, once I locate my perspectives, that I will be able to post them for your viewing. From Perspective we receive two quarters Marker Rendering education which really is the colorization of the perspective drawings we do. The key is learning to layer the color along with other techniques so that the finished product has depth and visual appeal. I am fortunate that I have an aptitude for perspective drawing. I have managed to excel here without any previous training. And I am proud to say that in each of the four classes I received an "A." (OK - I needed to stroke my ego here.)

I think of all the classes I have had so far at school, I have found the most enjoyment and the least amount of stress from these four classes. My biggest challenge in my Marker class was speed and it is something I hope to improve with more practice. Regretfully this portion of my education is over. But I have a gained a tremendous mentor, my professor, who is an exceptionally talented architect, interior designer, historian, and businessman.
The photos you see posted in this article are just a small portion of my Marker Rendering portfolio. The first two are conceptual designs of a resort bedroom suite and bathroom amidst tropical locations. The last picture is a conceptual design of a living/dining space for a condo complex. Enjoy! I look forward to sharing a bit more of my work and I am hoping to start posting design tips as time progresses.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Someone please drink a margarita for me! Later.

Since were on the topic of school, I thought I would share a bit the skills and techniques I have picked up in one area of my design education. Over the past year and a half, I have taken two perspective classes which have enabled me to visualize objects better three-dimensionally. I hope that at a later date, once I locate my perspectives, that I will be able to post them for your viewing. From Perspective we receive two quarters Marker Rendering education which really is the colorization of the perspective drawings we do. The key is learning to layer the color along with other techniques so that the finished product has depth and visual appeal. I am fortunate that I have an aptitude for perspective drawing. I have managed to excel here without any previous training. And I am proud to say that in each of the four classes I received an "A." (OK - I needed to stroke my ego here.)

I think of all the classes I have had so far at school, I have found the most enjoyment and the least amount of stress from these four classes. My biggest challenge in my Marker class was speed and it is something I hope to improve with more practice. Regretfully this portion of my education is over. But I have a gained a tremendous mentor, my professor, who is an exceptionally talented architect, interior designer, historian, and businessman.
The photos you see posted in this article are just a small portion of my Marker Rendering portfolio. The first two are conceptual designs of a resort bedroom suite and bathroom amidst tropical locations. The last picture is a conceptual design of a living/dining space for a condo complex. Enjoy! I look forward to sharing a bit more of my work and I am hoping to start posting design tips as time progresses.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Someone please drink a margarita for me! Later.
Wow, those are really great! Design is definetly a talent I do not have, I admire yours for sure. Somehow I missed out on that gay gene!
Very talented man you are - and like citywoof and sorted, I have never had the drawing gene - can do the design in the real world with the pieces and parts - but put it on paper - NEVER...
You have true talent, these sketches are wonderful. You'll be the famous decorator of the rich and famous, and hot hunky stars too. Seriousely your work is amazing! I wish I had that talent. I got the gay gene in everything but decorating, and arranging flowers. I'm an artist that doesn't know where to put the art.
Hey Tony, Looks like you've really found your calling and are doing very well with it. I definitely have an eye for recognizing what I like in home and interior design when I see it but am very challenged at how to bring it all together in my own space. Someday when I get to buy a home I'm gonna need someone like you to help me make my dreamhouse a reality.
As for the Margarita...well I guess I had a really good one on Thursday but you'll have to read my posting to understand what I'm talking about :).
Those designs look amazing! Maybe you can give the hubby and I hints on Loft decore.
Thanks for sharing your work. Studying interior design part time, I'd like to ask if you can recommend a good self-teaching interior design marker rendering book. You've got a nice rendering technique.
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