Saturday, June 10, 2006


This past week of school activities and the thought of what lies ahead in school work over the next two weeks just plain tuckered me out. I crashed Thursday night but for only two hours. Woke up at 2 am Friday and didn't fall back to sleep until about 4:30am. The alarm went off at 7:15 am. I had intentions of getting up early, working out, and pushing myself to get started on schoolwork early. Instead I shut the alarm off, thinking I'd be up in 20 minutes. WRONG! I dozed off and did not get up until 11:40 am. I seldom sleep in this late. I'd say this is the fifth or sixth time in my entire life that I have ever slept that late. I typically believe you can't have a productive day getting up this late. But I am body and mind are simply worn out.

What did I do then? My sister happened to call me at about noon, twenty minutes after I woke up. She was in the car with my sick nephew after dropping off my niece for her last day of school. My sister was rushing back home because she had forgotten her portion of the party stuff for the kids' event at school. The parents each had something they were responsible for bringing. Well my sister mentioned that my niece was upset because she could not stay for the party like other parents were doing. I felt bad. I insisted that she was going and told her I would come right over to watch my nephew. My brother-in-law was out of town on business. So I spent my early afternoon babysitting but did get constructive, in the sense that I was able to slip in a weightlifting workout up in my sister's home gym.

By the time I had worked out and also taken a couple of personal phone calls, my sister and niece were home. I showered up and then sat in the backyard, listening to the yard stereo. I know...I sound like I was really productive then. LOL. My brother-in-law then showed up, home from the business trip. He slipped into the yard and started to chat with me. Then he gives me an oh-so-familiar look. Then the oh-so familiar line, "What are you doing this evening?" I already knew what was coming next so I merely said, "Where do you want to take T***y for your anniversary dinner?" Funny how I am not even married/partnered and I know some of the idiosyncrasies of my brother-in-laws.

So me be the great brother and brother-in-law that I am, not to mention the fact that I am a romantic anyway, conceded to the evening with my niece and nephew so the two love birds could coo a bit. And that is how my day came to an end with the exception of one much needed phone conversation. I'm such the 'angelic' man.

Speaking of angelic, here is a fun little test to see just how evil you are. Answer truthfully and let us know the results. I was rather surprised at mine. I answered as truthfully as possible. There were only two questions I had to think through and I didn't want to over-think them. So I went with my first response. Interesting. So are you a little angel or that little devil?!?!

You Are 10% Evil

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!


At Sat Jun 10, 03:34:00 AM PDT, Blogger Jack said...


I was 32%

"A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil."


At Sat Jun 10, 06:28:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww you're so sweet!!! You do look after the sis. And I'm sure the kids love having you around. I'd let you be my "uncle"!!
40% evil. A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. Who'd of thunk???? That surprised me.

At Sat Jun 10, 08:14:00 AM PDT, Blogger Pete said...

Sometimes bud you just need to take a break after a long week. Just get back on track the next day.

I don't believe it to be true but I'm 40% evil. A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

A lot of the questions I had to answer truthfully but it is from when I was a teenager, so I figure they don't count now. Why is this test holding it against me.

At Sat Jun 10, 06:39:00 PM PDT, Blogger ..:: YNAGER ' 65 ::.. said...

I will give the test a go once I get back to a regular puter. I bet I am pure evil, LOL...your body only takes what it needs, so you must have been in the negative sleep bank range. Have a great weekend T.

At Sat Jun 10, 10:19:00 PM PDT, Blogger J.L. Atoz said...

Who needs a test, I know I'm all evil, but its so much fun!

At Sun Jun 11, 09:44:00 AM PDT, Blogger Spider said...

Just so Pete won't feel bad - 52% evil here... but it is GOOD evil - trust me - the "fun" kind!

At Sun Jun 11, 09:50:00 AM PDT, Blogger The Untraveled Travel Guy said...

I've tried to do the evil quiz twice now and they keep taking me through the sponsor's site to get the answer and ask me 20 questions too many to get the answer. Did the rest of you have to do this too? The questions never seem to end and they want all sorts of info about me :)

At Sun Jun 11, 01:00:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tony said...

Travel Guy,
Something is not right. You should only have to click on the link, the questions to answer for the queizz are there and then click the SUBMIT button for the answer. If it does more beyond this point something is up. What?

At Mon Jun 12, 10:00:00 AM PDT, Blogger Conor Karrel said...

52% Evil, yeah, that's about right. But sheesh Anthony! I never knew you were such a goody two shoes! Hehe!


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