Saturday, July 01, 2006


Last night I found myself in the same boat as the previous night. No not necessarily tired...hell I slept to 11:00 am yesterday. So typical these days for me after a week of mental torment from school. Rather I found myself having another 'brainfart,' or maybe that's a 'writer'sfart,' on what to blog about. So I set things aside and simply started to read some of my favorite blogs. What can one do when this happens anyway?!?!

Well after reading a post on PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, dated June 30, 2006, something struck me. Have you ever noticed that there seem to be distinct types of blog genres. Sure, there are a number of genre but only three stand out in my mind as large forces ~ political, introspective (personal), and light-hearted pieces. Maybe its just the type of blog reading I have managed to get hooked on but I tend to think no. I have hopped around to various blog sites and am amazed at how many are dominated by introspective, reflective and personal issues. I am often amazed at how many people open up and reveal themselves in this virtual environment. I am no different. I probably happen to be one of those who write in the introspective/personal genre.

What I find amazing is some of the talent, much like Derek said in his post, that exists in our blogosphere that needs to be pushed out into the real world. I 'feel' for some individuals in the blogworld because I sense, for a few at least, that they don't take advantage of what gifts they possess. It often seems that they lack support - someone to encourage them to be "all they can be" and more. (Hmmm! Did I just borrow that cliche from the US Marines' commercial?) And yes, there are those that I don't think fully recognize that they have true talent. What I do find great about the wacky world of blogging is that one can really get encouragement from others, hopefully genuine encouragement and positive feedback. Beyond this, the next step belongs to the individual who is receiving the encouragement. You have to believe in yourself , want to make the change, and then take the risk. If you don't try, you will never know.

I have found it easy myself to sometimes get lost in this virtual world, to use it as a means of escaping, expressing myself, and perhaps looking for positive encouragement. But as a dear friend of mine said last night in a conversation (paraphrasing) ~we are the ones in control of our day to day lives. We make it what it is.

Well, I guess I have bounced around just a tad but heck, 'a little of this and a little of that' is better than nothing at all.

Have a great weekend and perhaps for some, a great extended weekend with the holiday just a few days away.


At Sat Jul 01, 05:12:00 AM PDT, Blogger Spider said...

OMG - Dr. Phil has taken over Tony's brain - WHERE IS TONY? What can we do to release him from the evil clutches of the Oprah-man...

At Sat Jul 01, 08:27:00 AM PDT, Blogger Pete said...

You sound in better spirts from your post. I have some catching up to do with you bud. Have a good weekend.

At Sat Jul 01, 09:04:00 AM PDT, Blogger The Untraveled Travel Guy said...

Wow Tony. I just finished writing one of those intropective entries in my blog but there is no way you could have read it first then written your entry :) You're right on the money with where I'm at right now. I often have in the back of my mind that I'd like my blog to be more lighthearted and playful but it's just not a representation of where I am right now. All in good time right? I think I need to go back and add a reference to this posting b/c it says volumes about what I just wrote about.

At Sat Jul 01, 01:44:00 PM PDT, Blogger The_Gay_Dude said...

I have noticed these things.....and I think for's a testing ground to see if they are as good of a writer as their fragile self-confidence may tell em they are.....and who needs to watch Oprah when I got Dr. Tony to read :P

At Sat Jul 01, 04:48:00 PM PDT, Blogger Moby said...

Blogging is a tool. How you use it depends on your purpose. Some folks blog w/a purpose, others blog just because. For my part, blogging has helped and changed my life so much in the past years. Whether I'll always blog is an unknown. For now, it's a big part of my day to day activities. Whether it be reading about others or writing about my own life, I get perspective, insight, encouragement, education and so much more from the experience.

Being a social person, it comes easy to me. It's a natural extension of my nature.

At Mon Jul 03, 12:52:00 PM PDT, Blogger brandon said...

great post Tony. I keep wondering why you didn't blog all these years! You definitely write well. About being in charge of your day-to-day destiny, I wholly agree. Whenever I start wondering why my friends aren't calling I stop and focus on myself instead. I can't let other people's actions determine my happiness.


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