Wednesday, July 12, 2006


**I am pre-empting my planned new weekly post, Wednesday WORD PLAY, to make this post. I will post Word Play tomorrow (Thursday).**

I happen to be reading Hypoxic's blog the other night. He had made a comment in his posting about an article in Gay Men Rule. I had never been to that blog so I decided to 'pop in.' I realized when I did visit the site that it was a collaborative blogsite. I began to check out who the authors were and noticed two who frequent my blog, Scotty and Marc. I began to look into the other site participants. One caught my eye. It happen to be Joshua of I KEEP SMILING. I began to peruse his blog and realized he had not been on Blogger much longer than me, that he in fact was Marc's brother, and that he had lost his partner of 20 years this past October 2005.

I, being the emotionally-compelled type, began to read Joshua's blog. Here is a very attractive man who appears to have had much going for him in his life ~ a partner with a deep commitment, a career as a dentist, and close ties with his family. Then life threw Joshua a curve. His partner was taken from him due to a brain aneurism.
Imagine, 20 years of living, breathing, loving someone so deeply. Personally, I can't imagine the pain of losing a soulmate as I have never been partnered. One of these days hopefully. But I can share in the experience as I have lost a father and I know what a bond my mother and father had. I've watched and communicated with my mother through her ups and downs these past 4 years. She has gotten through it much like I suspect Joshua will. All it takes is one thing - unconditional love and support from family. I suspect ~ no, I know Joshua has those gifts from his siblings, much like my mom has received from her seven children.

Life does go on. We simply need to open our hearts and realize that we can handle change and new challenges, regardless of the simple comforts and routines we have grown accustomed to. Joshua, there are other guys out there that will 'fit the bill' of who you are seeking. Perhaps not in every minute detail, but don't compromise on the big points, especially age if your idea is to have someone in your age range. They 're there. Some of us, you and I, may just need to look a little harder, recognizing that a genuine person is sometimes more than simply the physical components. I think there is nothing new in that statement. Wouldn't you agree?

Well guys. I know that I had made the commitment to shorten my posts a bit but I just had to write on this topic. Marc, if you see this post, I hope you will pass its sentiments along to your brother. I am re-posting the following poem that I shared with you all back on May 6, shortly after I started to blog. Somehow I think it speaks to how we need to approach life each day. Life does move on. So this re-run is for Joshua...

– A Collection of Thoughts For A Friend –

Woke up today.
Mind focused, spirit lifted.
Heart racing.

Opportunity abounds.
But only with an open heart.
Growth, challenges, evolving friendships.

Momentary fear overwhelms.
It succumbs to happy thoughts.
Family, friends, lifetime dreams.

Time to pause.
Remember blessings.
Life itself, second chances.

With a smile, step forth!
Beaming enthusiasm.
Teeming with energy.

The world beckons.
Absent prejudice and hate.
Seize it!

Hear a lone cry for help.
Listen! Care enough.
Respond –give back graciously.

Ah! Love.
Hopeful and everlasting.
Relentless yet endearing.

With focus and commitment.
Hear the inner self elate.
“You’ve come so far!”

Step forth.
Head high.
Passionately embrace this new day.

But every so often remember...
“You’ve so much to do.”
It’s time to be mov’in on.


At Wed Jul 12, 12:55:00 AM PDT, Blogger The_Gay_Dude said...

What a beautiful posting, Tony....and I'm glad ya found Gay Men Rule...It's a multi-authored blog for any gay guy to join.....and as far as my Bro....I do 'advertise' him a lot....and I also push him to blog....cuz I want him to get back to his 'old self'...We have a lot of fun....blogging together.....and what a beautiful poem.....u shared with us BTW....sometimes ya just got a lot to say.....and ya just blab it....ain't nothing wrong with that!

At Wed Jul 12, 06:07:00 AM PDT, Blogger ..:: YNAGER ' 65 ::.. said...

You are such a sweetie, great post T!

At Wed Jul 12, 06:53:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW Tony! This is a fantastic post. I wasted no time letting Joshua know that his future is still out there.
As far as your blogs being too wordy or lengthy, forget that nonsense! You have a lot to say, and it is actually meaningful. That is rare. Keep it up, you are one of my daily reads!

At Wed Jul 12, 08:46:00 AM PDT, Blogger DEREK said...

yeah, Gay Men Rule has been one of my favorites. Joshua is great, I've enjoyed his writings. Your awesome too, wonderful post!

At Wed Jul 12, 11:57:00 AM PDT, Blogger Ur-spo said...

a thoughtful post, to be sure.
thank you for it.

At Thu Jul 13, 12:16:00 AM PDT, Blogger ~Joy~ said...

Hi there...I am a reader of Marc's and have read Josh's for sometime also...and all that I can say is...WOW...I am speechless...
(That would be amazing if you knew me also)
And the poem is so beautiful! Love it! Thanksfor sharing it!


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