Main Entry: pro·tag·o·nist
Pronunciation: prO-'ta-g&-nist
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek prOtagOnistEs, from prOt- prot- + agOnistEs competitor at games, actor, from agOnizesthai to compete, from agOn contest, competition at games -- more at AGONY
1 a : the principal character in a literary work (as a drama or story) b : a leading actor, character, or participant in a literary work or real event
2 : a leader, proponent, or supporter of a cause : CHAMPION
Wednesday WORD PLAY is here once again. Thought today's word choice might be interesting to see what it conjures up in your minds. And my word choice is protagonist!
Usage: Martin Luther King was a protagonist for the civil rights cause. One has to wonder, with this past year's elevation of gay awareness, who might step forward in 2007 as the protagonist of gay rights and set the walls of 'blindness,' of ignorance, of intolerance tumbling.
Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word protagonist in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it!
Usage: Martin Luther King was a protagonist for the civil rights cause. One has to wonder, with this past year's elevation of gay awareness, who might step forward in 2007 as the protagonist of gay rights and set the walls of 'blindness,' of ignorance, of intolerance tumbling.
Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word protagonist in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it!
Tony is a protagonist for the USuCk Trojans football team. Too bad the NCAA will probably slap some sanctions on them for Reggie Bush's family paying no rent for two years. Ha ha.
How's that? Does that make me the antagonistic asshole for bringing THAT up? LOL
And here I thought a protagonist was a doctor who peered into the dark side! - you know, one who ventures where others have gone before.
When I was in elementary school, I used to cheat on exercises such as these. My teacher, a protagonist for creating sentences using the word as defined in our spelling book, would get mad at me when I was unsure of the definition and I would write something such as:
Protagonist is one of my spelling words this week.
Protagonist is a big word.
Used to piss her off but hey I was using it in a sentence.
"And what does he do for a living? - He's a Pro-tag-anus! - Ooooohhhh!
well, I learned something!
I thought protagonist meant something else!
Tony is the protagonist of the blog world to think about words and what they mean.
Well DAMN - pick something hard why don't you...
Lets see...
In this Brodaway Musical I call my life, I need to cast a protagonist.
I guess I thought it was someone who was in favor of playing tag.
The protagonist injected an agonist into the the patient's bloodstream.
Prot agonist - A catholic worried about his Protestant neighbors.
(Don't boo.)
I may be the protagonist of my own life story, but there are so many sub-plots (both fact and fiction) created by friends, family, and others, it's sometimes difficult to keep track of what's really going on.
I think in my life I am not the protagonist, but a character actor. And what a character!
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