Friday, November 03, 2006


It seems like my internship work is really 'zapping' the energy out of me these days but in a good way. It just makes it harder for me though, at week's end, to really pull a blog piece together. Mind you, I still have ideas to write about in my head. I just find it hard to want to spend time putting them to words, especially when all I am doing these days is writing papers for my Art History class. In any event, I thought this would be a good time to toss out some weekly tidbits to my reading public.

You Do Mean The World To Me!:
There is a certain "arachnid" out there that just doesn't seem to get enough credit for the person he is. He, much like Derek, is a true friend - perhaps a special friend! Of course that incredible arachnid is SPIDER. What can I say about a person who shares in the ups and downs of your life's experiences, is there to pull you up when you need pulling up, and often just doesn't get enough credit for being the loving and giving person that he is. He even does homework too! Sometimes I am not sure how I would keep my sanity on certain days. So Mr. Spidie!, Muchos gracias! (and don't correct me on spelling here...hehehe!) for being there, for being you, for all your help. Sending the hugs your way.

All Points Bulletin Out For This Man!!:
Have any of you seen or heard from this man. It seems that Smiley has lost his way. I know I haven't heard from him via phone or blog comments. We need to pull him from the depths of his Baltimore isolation and get him back into BLOGLAND as well as out-and-about amongst the rest of the world. Maybe coax him outside of the state of Maryland.


The Latest Internship News:
Well, I finished out week three of my internship. I am loving it - I love the stuff I am being exposed to and I love the people I am working with. And it is becoming more apparent that they love having me. I got such an indirect compliment yesterday. I have been working on proofing, correlating, and transferring 600 plus pages of scheduled furniture data to the new process book for a large medical center project - 120K square feet project. I almost finished it today after working three days on it - 60 pages short. The designers were blown away. But that wasn't the compliment portion. The firm's principle told me that the designer heading the project I was working on, specifically wanted me to do the CAD updating on the project because she knows I have the coding down 'pat' and that I understand what's going on with the furniture scheduling. The principle (the owner) was originally going to have another full-time employee do the CAD entry. So I was pleasantly surprised. Plus I am also getting subtle hints that they would love to have me on board as a paid employee. The opportunity is there but I am playing it cool for now until I know whether I am in my last class next quarter.

Family Woes This Past Week:
Since I last posted about the birth of my two nephews, each of my sisters had some unexpected woes. Sister A, little Sean's mom, was getting ready to check out of the hospital last Friday. She happened to reach across the bed to get something of hers and as she did her shoulder dislocated. The male nurses there tried for 15 minutes to get her shoulder back in place, to no avail. She was writhing in pain, the nurses growing 'greener' by the minute. She finally had to order them out because they were making her feel worse. Only two long hours later was she in surgery getting her shoulder placed back in its socket. Now she is in a sling for three weeks and once that is over, she has to get in for MRIs and surgery. The doctor said she can't put off the surgery any longer. So here Sister A is a brand new mother for the first time and can not even enjoy holding her son in a normal manner. I feel for her.

Then there is Sister K, little Angelo's mom. She gave birth 2 1/2 weeks ago. Well, Halloween night, as my brother-in-law was running the niece and nephew around the neighborhood (the newest one at home with my sister, passing out candy), my sister began hemorrhaging. Without totally freaking you all out, she said she was bleeding all over the was like a scene from CARRIE. Her words, not mine. She made that emergency call to my brother-in-law, got him home, and then made the call. My brother-in-law called an ambulance and had her taken to the hospital while he stayed home with the three kids. Unfortunately none of my family in that immediate area were in town at the time to call for help. She spent the night and had out-patient surgery the next day. DAMN OB-GYN...he left in a chuck of the placenta. I won't say any more about what ran through my head as she was telling me this. Sister K is doing well now and is home.

Who Said Things Stopped At 1o!:
If you recall from last weeks tidbit post, I said that the two newest nephews brought the niece/nephew count up to 10. Well, dear ol' Pete made a premonition-type comment about that topic in my comments section that day. He said something to the effect, 'so why not eleven?!' Well guess what? Last Saturday, my little sister, Sister T, and my brother-in-law informed me they were expecting. She still needs to get into the doctor's office for the first check-up and confirmation, but it looks like number 11 is on the way, due sometime around the beginning of July. YIPPEE!


At Fri Nov 03, 03:02:00 AM PST, Blogger Spider said...

I know you are kicking some major league butt at your internship - good for you! They WILL offer you that position - trust me!

Here is wrapping all 8 of my appendages around you and giving you a big hug... just glad I an hopefully make your life a little easier...

At Fri Nov 03, 04:17:00 AM PST, Blogger Lemuel said...

Well placed kudos for SPider! Hear! Hear!

We need an intervention on Smiley!

Kudos on the subtle hints! None of us are a bit surprised. We know the company sees quality when they see it.

Prayers and good thoughts for you family in hurt and congrats on the part in expansion!

Are "Tony's" like rabbits in OZ? Eleven! WHO-EEE! ***grin***

At Fri Nov 03, 05:12:00 AM PST, Blogger DEREK said...

what a wonderful post, I love that picture of Brett, did you take that one? I'm sure you will have that position. Spider is all those things, he's so awesome! I've never met someone with so many appendages.

You got one big family, and it just keeps growing, I'd love to see one of your family reunions.

At Fri Nov 03, 05:27:00 AM PST, Blogger cola boy said...

11!?!?! I only have 1. I guess I willr eally be able to spoil her.

And, yes, Spider is a really great guy who would give you the shirt off his back. :-)

At Fri Nov 03, 06:27:00 AM PST, Blogger Ur-spo said...

that is a lovely photo of Mr.Spider, best one I have seen.
I amd glad to hear about your internship; sorry to hear about the family woe.

At Fri Nov 03, 01:52:00 PM PST, Blogger Doug said...

Glad you're doing so well at your internship.

Wow, your sisters have been through hell! Hope things get better for them soon.


At Fri Nov 03, 07:24:00 PM PST, Blogger Mike said...

Hope sister get's her shoulder better! Congratulations on the expectancy of Number 11!

At Fri Nov 03, 09:31:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go on the internship. No doubt you have charmed them as well as put out a good product.

At Sat Nov 04, 05:07:00 AM PST, Blogger Pete said...

You still have more family can I get a number 12! You can rally the rally the troops for this just tell them you need to have an even number of neices and nephews.

At Sat Nov 04, 05:56:00 AM PST, Blogger Stephen said...

Sorry to hear about your sisters, I hope everything will be ok. That was a great tribute to both Derek in the previous post and to Brett in this one, both of them are great guys.

At Sun Nov 05, 03:01:00 PM PST, Blogger Jason said...

Lots of stuff going on in your world!
Sounds like you have your new career on the right track.

I loved art history class. I may need to brush up on some of that after seeing the MET last week.

Looks like you have made some really great friends through blogging. It is amazing some of the people you chat with and meet.
Derek does seem like a teddy bear ;)

At Sun Nov 05, 06:22:00 PM PST, Blogger Joshua said...

In response to your comment :) Baltimore has the highest drug addiction rate in the country. An estimated one in six people in the metropolitan area is an addict. That's 500,000 'drug-addicted neighbors.' No matter where you live - it's there - and the culture which surrounds it all :(


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