Thursday, November 02, 2006


Yesterday's post was on the word 'contemplative.' And admittedly I have been in one of those contemplative moods for the past couple of days. One of the many things I found myself thinking about, as I periodically do, was friendship. My circle of friends has grown in leaps and bounds. You all know from past blog entries that I often find the time to write about some of my friends, whether it be in a 'singled out' post or through a birthday wish post.

Well, today I just need to share some thoughts about one of my good ol' southern boy friends. It happens to be Derek over at Past, Present, and Future. I look back now at how I first came to know Derek and a big smile crosses my face. While my bud, Brett(Cajun), probably was the catalyst for me entering the blogworld, I'd have to say that Derek was the stoker of the fire! It was the following comment Derek made that, for the first time in my life, made me feel
" that hottie in green a fellow blogger? Woof."

Imagine when my eyes caught the comment in Brett's April 21, 2006 post?! I was floored, seriously. Let's just say that opened the door to more frequent visits to Derek's site. Afterall, how could I ignore someone that could lay such a flattering comment on me. And mind you, when I caught glimpse of those piercing eyes and that infectious smile in Derek's profile, I was sucked further into reading his blog. If I could digress briefly, I have to share with you the first thought that popped into my head when I saw Derek's picture..."what a big giant warm, fuzzy teddy-bear." Ok, now I said it so back to the point on hand. As I read his blog, it became apparent that Derek was similar to me in many ways. After having met him, after numerous phone conversations, I can honestly say it's even more apparent. Derek is very much the sensitive, open-and kind-hearted, introspective, genuine person that so much of his writing portrays. These are just a few of the traits that I love about him. The other thing that always draws a warm smile from me is Derek's ability to be so openly blunt and real in such a southern innocent way. I love it!

We have often exchanged stories over the phone about family. He always speaks fondly of his immediate, as well as extended family. I am no different. I think some of that comes from his upbringing - family values, morals, faith. While I tend to be convicted to my faith, Derek probably lies more on the spiritual side (*my impression only). I appreciate his open-mindedness in his attempts to understand my Catholic faith position.

I have not only been blest with meeting Derek, but now I have met his "better" half (I am an equal opportunity person here - I want to be sure each gets his share of 'equal ego-stroking!' LMAO). I'm excited that Mike is now part of my life and I hope the friendship there develops as mine did with Derek.

Guess I could ramble on but I don't want Derek's ego to get too inflated. Just kidding my friend! So I end this post with a personal message to Derek,
"If I could only begin to say exactly how much having you in my life means...and now Mike. I'd surely squeeze the life out of you and Mike with death-grip hugs. You embody all the elements of what a friend is to me. Miss you two lugs."


At Thu Nov 02, 04:01:00 AM PST, Blogger Spider said...

What a wonderful post about a really wonderful couple... both Derek and Mike are fantastic people... Great one Tony - you have such a way of writing when you are posting about someone you care about... really nice job!

At Thu Nov 02, 04:02:00 AM PST, Blogger Lemuel said...

a very beautiful tribute!

At Thu Nov 02, 04:37:00 AM PST, Blogger Jake said...

That is so sweet what you wrote. Makes me want to give you my phone number and talk to you on the phone and get to know you better.

At Thu Nov 02, 05:17:00 AM PST, Blogger DEREK said...

Well, I'm on my way to work, you know I'm going to have a smile on my face for the rest of the day now. Thanks T, I'll write more later, or I'm going to be really late.

At Thu Nov 02, 10:25:00 AM PST, Blogger DEREK said...

We miss you too T! Wow my head is feeling like it's about to pop. Thanks so much for all the nice words buddy! Tight squeezes and hugs right back too you.

At Thu Nov 02, 12:22:00 PM PST, Blogger Brettcajun said...

Awww... glad I had a part to play in you meeting Derek and other bloggers. ;)I have been sorry that I have been mired in my own personal drama to keep in touch as much as I should be. I am coming back! I promise. You'll have to introduce me to Derek, Mike, and that OTHER Brett soon!

At Thu Nov 02, 08:37:00 PM PST, Blogger Jimmi said...

Oh that is so so nice! It is wonderful when you actually meet someone that you know so much about and have shared so much with, that it seems odd, but you still feel like you have know them for years. I feel the same about my buddy Dan at DanNation whom, I just met this weekend.

At Fri Nov 03, 05:28:00 AM PST, Blogger cola boy said...

Yep. Derek is a really hot, furry hunk of a guy. Woof! :-)


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