Thursday, October 19, 2006


I wanted to start my post of by saying thank you to a few people with respect to helping me out with my first ART HISTORY homework assignment. To all of you who left comments as of 7:00pm PST, and you know who you are, thank you! Your comments gave me the catalyst that I needed to start the assignment. Lastly, a tremendous THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to Spider for helping me get the assignment into Powerpoint. You will never know how much pressure that took off me bud!! It meant the world to me.

As for posting about my Orlando Trip and Pride, I am saving that for this Friday's post. I hope you will pop in and read it. I know Friday tends to be an off day for reading but it will be up all weekend. I have some other homework that is keeping me busy. My first day of internship went quite well. I think I am going to like working with the people in this particular design firm.

Now for today's post. I decided to do my usual "What Would You Do?" Monday
post...late! Here is the question to ponder and respond to:
What would you do if you were granted one wish?
Think about it as I don't believe it is as easy to answer as you might think. Classic example...often people ask for money. But with excessive money, there are inherently other problems to deal with in one's life. My one wish - the gift of self-confidence (but balanced with humility). I ultimately think it would relieve so many stressors in my life and make me an even happier person.

So time to share your thoughts on today's question.


At Thu Oct 19, 03:49:00 AM PDT, Blogger Spider said...

Would it be selfish of me for my one wish to be that all of my future wishes were granted?

My one wish... to have patience and understanding of others... that and to be handsome!

At Thu Oct 19, 04:27:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would wish for a shot that would prevent HIV infection. Forever.

At Thu Oct 19, 04:44:00 AM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

I would want Money...but enough to live a good life and not make me too arrogant or self centered... well, ummm

At Thu Oct 19, 04:47:00 AM PDT, Blogger Spider said...

Gee, after reading MiKell's post I feel even more selfish and shallow...

At Thu Oct 19, 11:33:00 AM PDT, Blogger Doug said...

I've thought about this one all morning and can't come up with anything else. Lasting peace throughout the world is something I always wish for. What would be the catch, though? We'd make peace with each other, disarm, and then extra-terrestrials would come in and take over?

Having seen the movie "Bedazzled," and already knowing the nature of wishes in general, I might need a lawyer to draft my wish for me. Even then, I'd still be suspicious.

At Thu Oct 19, 04:28:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap. I should have ended that with...

"... and world peace!!"

(Now of course, Doug beat me to it.)

At Thu Oct 19, 04:44:00 PM PDT, Blogger DEREK said...

I'd wish for three more wishes.

At Thu Oct 19, 05:12:00 PM PDT, Blogger Pete said...

You stole my idea, no fair but I was going to do 3 instead of one.

Mikell's would alwys be #1 on any list but #2 - Absolute proof on humanoid alien life on another planet in our solar system. That would shake things up a bit.

At Thu Oct 19, 10:41:00 PM PDT, Blogger Ur-spo said...

I would want the ability to be instantly transported anywhere. What a savings of time! and the places I'd go.

At Fri Oct 20, 08:00:00 AM PDT, Blogger ..:: YNAGER ' 65 ::.. said...

I would want the ability to become invisible. Then I could have whatever I wanted - whenever I wanted, heeheehee


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