Monday, November 27, 2006


I am back home in southern California after spending my Thanksgiving holiday up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving break. I love northern California. As far as I am concerned, nothing tops it! I had a great time seeing family and spending some quality time with my two new nephews, Sean and Angelo. Was it obvious from previous posts? I even managed a short visit Friday afternoon with my friend and blogger bud, Tom, from The Untraveled Travel Guy in San Francisco. Just a simple lunch at the Sausage Factory in the Castro and a stroll around the neighborhood. Of course I had to sneak in a hot chocolate at "Bear"buck's (aka Starbuck's)! Stop by his blog sometime to say hi. He's writing a little less frequently but if you say hi, one never knows what you might stir up.

So let's move into WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Monday. The question:
What would you do if your house was burning uncontrollably and you only had time to save one item - what would that item be and why? (You can assume that all humans and pets have safely exited the house.)
Well, you all know by now that I have six other brothers and sisters. My first response would have been to grab the most important family photo I had - something with some history or story behind it. But given the number in our family I know that many of my siblings share in a number of duplicated photos. So there would be a high likelihood of easily replacing a family photo.

What I grab then? At this stage of my life and with what I currently possess, I'd say my laptop computer. It contains a wealth of information that I rely on, such as my design portfolio, address and phone information for many people I can not store in my phone, and much more. And quite frankly, it's also a source of communication for me.

So what is running through your mind as your thinking about this question? Do share.


At Mon Nov 27, 03:07:00 AM PST, Blogger Lemuel said...

If I am assured that all humans and pets are safe, then I am less stressed, but the choice become difficult on the one item because among my "things" I'm not sure what's of top importance. Most things I own could either be replaced or done without, to be honest. I guess I would go with some old photos we have hanging along our stairwell. These are family pictures that cannot be replaced. They are of family members taken even in the late 1800's. My second choice would be rare historic flags that I own. They date from around 1860 and 1907.

At Mon Nov 27, 04:49:00 AM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

If Jeff and pets were out already, I would probably try and grab one or two boxes of old pictures and news clips... everything else is in fireproof safe or on my blog so, I would be able to retrieve any pics I would want to have redone...

At Mon Nov 27, 06:21:00 AM PST, Blogger Spider said...

The box of pictures... the first thing I would grab - if I had time, I would grab Sherman's remains for Brad - the poor pup had been burned up once, he doesn't deserve to be burned up twice...

At Mon Nov 27, 06:40:00 AM PST, Blogger Ur-spo said...

well, if people and pets are already out, that leaves anything quick to grab/valuable.
I'd take the Bill Reid Haida Bear print from the office. It's an original and my favorite!

At Mon Nov 27, 06:58:00 AM PST, Blogger john said...

I would grab my laptop, just because it also has a lot of important information.
I have a photoalbum, but in a fire-proof safety box, I've got the negatives and the CDs in which pictures have been burned, so I know that would be safe.

At Mon Nov 27, 08:37:00 AM PST, Blogger Jimmi said...

Oh nice, but you didn't visit with my Crew up there in San Fran???? LOL

Ok for the What would you do Monday. I would go for the old photographs. I have boxes and boxes of photo's that go back to my Great Great Grandparents all the way up to a few years back before digital Cameras. I might have to go for the PC too since most of my pictures are on their from recent years. I really need to get organized and put everything in once place! LOL

At Mon Nov 27, 01:41:00 PM PST, Blogger rodger said...

I'd have to take the pictures although the computer comes in a very close second. If I were good and backed up the computer and kept those discs with the pics I could solve that problem.

At Mon Nov 27, 02:31:00 PM PST, Blogger The Untraveled Travel Guy said...

I think the only item in there which is irreplaceable (other than Gizmo Kitty who you've already accounted for) is my Great Grandmothers rocking chair which is about 135 years old. My Aunt was going to give it away and I snatched it out of her house with her blessing before such happened. Considering I am insured for the other basics of life in there I'd let the rest go up in smoke. Any family pix I have are copies for the most part of the originals which are at Mom and Dad's place in VA and can be replaced.
Loved our visit over the weekend too :)

At Mon Nov 27, 04:27:00 PM PST, Blogger Mike said...


The flag that was draped over my father's casket.

Everything else can be replaced. I can only bury my father once.


At Mon Nov 27, 05:07:00 PM PST, Blogger Doug said...

I would have to say my laptop (and hopefully my ipod.) Pretty much all my music has been turned into mp3 and is loaded on the laptop and if I had it I could burn all the cd's again and listen to my music. And if I didn't have anything else, I would need my music to get me through.

At Mon Nov 27, 05:56:00 PM PST, Blogger Doug said...

Hmm...toughie. I'd have to say my laptop. It has most of my pictures on it, and all my writings, and all my friends and family contact info.

At Mon Nov 27, 07:01:00 PM PST, Blogger Jake said...

I would be in such a panic that I would probably end up being drugged out by firemen. I'd be so busy throwing all my shit out the windows and cussing at everyone outside to pick my shit up.

At Mon Nov 27, 07:48:00 PM PST, Blogger DEREK said...

My box with photo's, I keep them all in one big box. I'm back! Thought of you often during the holidays, sounds like you had a blast Uncle T.

At Tue Nov 28, 06:24:00 AM PST, Blogger A Lewis said...

As everyone has said, make sure every one is safe first. Then laptop, any family photos (albums are all in one spot, should be easy to get), wallet and keys......
and a cup of coffee if I have time (milk and sugar, please)

At Tue Nov 28, 06:48:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My laptop!!! Fortunately ALL and I mean ALL of my photos are on a server in a granite vault in Utah! Paper and digital. Whew one less worry. Happy Holidays!


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