Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Another Tuesday is here and with it comes another How Do You Like It? question. Of course we all know that today is Halloween. In staying with the festivities of the moment, my question to you all today is:

How do you like to spend your Halloween? I am not posing any answers because I want to hear your truthful responses which I know will vastly vary.

For me...I personally do not get into this particular celebration. Just being honest. I would rather, and typically do, spend Halloween evening running around with the nieces and nephews, laughing all the way as they remind me of what I used to do as a child on this 'scary' evening.

And you?


Monday, October 30, 2006


I am changing things up a bit this week. What Would You Do? Monday will return next week. Every now and then I want to do something that gives you a little more insight into me. I have found that some of these memes seem to assist in that manner, while being fun and light-hearted. Derek introduced this meme and posted his response to it this past week. Shortly after, Pete stepped in and took the challenge. I found the meme to be interesting myself so I have responded. Yet...that much more revealed about me.

I am – a simple person.

I want -to feel a connection to this world that I have been searching for all my life and have yet to sense or feel.

I have – a family that means more to me than the world.

I wish – the inhabitants of this earth, people of all ages, gender, race, and faiths could just coexist in peace with no boundaries set.

I hate – trite, shallow people.

I miss - my dad so, so, so much!

I fear – two things: dying alone with no one near me and being homeless.

I hear – my inner self telling me I am being called to something greater. I can’t explain it.

I wonder – what life would be like if I was financially secure for the rest of its duration.

I love – to travel and experience new places. More than you will ever know!!

I always – wished I had been blessed with a good singing voice.

I am not – as easily and automatically outgoing as many may think.

I am not always - quite as “together” as some people may perceive me. Afterall, I am human.

I need – to feel that I will be successful in my new interior design career.

I should – laugh a little more at myself.

I like - ,cherish, and love my friends! You know who you are!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Well...if you caught my tidbit segment from yesterday, you know that I was anticipating the news of being an uncle again. Yet there were some worries about my sister, given the lack of contact from either my brother-in-law or my mom. Thank goodness its all over with. I am an uncle again. Number 10!!! My sister did have a problem with dilating the last few centimeters. Plus the doctor found the baby improperly rotated in the womb. The baby had not turned around in my sister's womb so that his face would be looking at the floor when he came out (not to be confused with a breach birth). And the little bugger would not cooperate turning around. As a result, the Doc had to perform a "C"-section.

But all is well. Sean Thomas was born around 10:30pm yesterday (25th) at 7lbs. 12 ounces and 19 inches. He's fair-skinned and has blondish hair...so the name seems to fit the 'profile.' Now recently-born Angelo Joseph has a cousin just about two weeks younger than him. By the way, Angelo is dark-haired with somewhat of an olive complexion. I think the Italian name befits Angelo's looks as well. He came in at 7lbs., 19.25 inches.

As I mentioned yesterday, I sooooooooooo love being an uncle. I just wish I could see them in person. I am hoping to post some pictures of the two darlin' babes within a week or two.

Guess I have nothing more to say. Plus I am running tired these days. Seems like the job (my Internship) is reminding me what real work was like. Ya know though...I am so glad to be part of the working world again. School is for the youth! Not to say that I am old in any means...I just don't think we, as adults, need to revisit the mondaneness of homework, etc.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I apologize for no real post today other than to share a few morsels of news and other tidbits with you.

What city are you?:
Well, I got this from Dave over at David's Daily Dramas. He actually pulled it from someone else's blog. I think my result suits my personality!

You Are New York

Cosmopolitan and sophisticated, you enjoy the newest in food, art, and culture.
You also appreciate a good amount of grit - and very little shocks you.
You're competitive, driven, and very likely to succeed.

Famous people from New York: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tupac Shakur, Woody Allen

An Uncle - Twice Over?:
Part of me was not real motivated to post as I am waiting on one of my four sisters to deliver her first child. She has been in labor, at various stages, over the past three days. She finally went into the hospital yesterday morning, Wednesday, and at 4:30 she was 7-8 centimeters dialated, having already received an epidural for pain. 9 centimeters is delivery stage. The concern though at the time that this post was written, nearly midnight, was that I had not received any news of my sister having delivered little Sean Thomas yet. I don't think that's the best news - generally when a woman reaches 8 centimeters she probably is ready to "pop" within 1-2 hours later if not sooner. It's been nearly 8 hrs since reaching 8 centimeters. I ever called the room and the nurse's station. No responses.

One bit of good news those was that another sister of mine delivered a healthy boy, Angelo, almost two weeks. So now I am an uncle to 4 nieces and 'soon-to-be' 6 nephews. Two brand newborns...damn I wish I was home in the Bay Area. I'd be babysitting in a flash!

EXTRA!! ~Internship News:
I am about ready to wrap up my second week of internship. And quite honestly...I am loving it. I don't think I could ask for a better group of people to be working with. We work as a unit. My fellow co-workers have been so good to patiently explain procedures. Who knows? I may actually find that I like doing commercial design work after all. We'll just have to let that play out. Now I just have to worry about the 10 page paper I need to eek in within the next week as part of the internship program. It's not that hard but part of it involves interviewing a Residential Designer, in my case. I still need to find one, and find a moment of spare time to get out and meet this person.

Giving Out A Shout!:
I just wanted to say that if any of you are interested in good-looking 'bears' and what they have to say, you might want to pop into My Weblog - A Life of a Bare Bear. The furry critter happens to be Mike, Derek's partner. Mike has been playin' around a bit with webcam so you can actually hear a voice associated with the face and get a bit of his personality. I think he happens to be a 'keeper.' "Knock 'em dead MIKE. Just get out and visit some blogs too!"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006



Main Entry: arouse
Pronunciation: &-'rauz
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): aroused; arous·ing
Etymology: a- (as in arise) + rouse
transitive verb
1 : to awaken from sleep
2 : to rouse or stimulate to action or to physiological readiness for activity : EXCITE [the book aroused debate]
intransitive verb : to awake from sleep : STIR
- arous·al /&-'rau-z&l/ noun

Wednesday WORD PLAY is upon us. Think I have one today that ought to "stir" up some emotion, or at least something! So to get to the point, let's get started. Today's word is arouse!

Usage: Many things arouse me but nothing is more arousing than life itself. Believe me and I'll tell you another lie. If you only knew how hard I am trying to keep this post at a G-rating. LMAO!

Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word arouse in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it! Oh, and here are some pictures to arouse, I mean inspire you as you ponder your answer for this post.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Yesterday's post was a little intense and thought-provoking! So let's lighten it up with this Tuesday's HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?

The question buzzing in my head today is:
How do you like to sleep - butt-naked, in your underwear, or in full on pajamas? Does it make a difference depending on whether you are sleeping with someone or not and what time of the year it is?
I don't have to think about this one too much...at least not the first half of the question. I sleep butt-naked generally during the spring and summer months - most definitely during the summer. Come fall and winter, I'd say that 95% of the time I'm in underwear and often a t-shirt of some sort. See I tend to sleep with the upper part of my body uncovered and during the winter I become very susceptible to stiff necks and upper shoulder stiffness. Hence the t-shirt.

I will sleep in the 'birthday suit' only if I am comfortable with the other person and assuming they are comfortable with it. I probably tend to limit this though. As for the time of the year, I think I gave you the gist in the first part of my answer.

Now it's your time to share......

Monday, October 23, 2006


Hopefully my posted pictures on Friday's blog entry made up for the lengthy commentary. But as I had said in my opening statement, my first Pride experience was important to me. I wanted to share it. So now reality sets back in as I start my first full week back home, doing my internship work and hitting the books head on in my Art History class. And alas, the mondaneness of my life stomps forward again, with unclear sight as to what lies ahead. I so miss the companionship of my friends. This is the one time I am probably thankful for cellphones. I can at least stay in touch 'whenever.' I miss ALL of YOU GUYS and you know who you are.

I have one big dream and that is to get all of you in one location for one hell'uva time! Do you think I can pull it off? Honestly?! Game for Hawaii?

Now let's get to today's post. It's Monday! Hopefully you all had a great weekend. It's time again for my "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?" post. Today's question, I hope, is meant to be thought-provoking. It is:

If you had an opportunity to make one lasting impression to the world, one that you would always be remembered for, what would you do?

I laid in bed last night thinking about this. I so often do. See part of what stirs inside me, that eats at me daily it seems, that makes me restless, is finding my purpose here in this world. In reality I know what it is and my faith speaks of it. But I guess I have always had a bit of the "Doubting Thomas" syndrome. See, I tend to place a need for some acknowledgment on my accomplishment - the human side of me I guess. I can't begin to explain how many times I have come close to doing some volunteer work for a few years in a place like Africa, India, or South America doing some type of work with underprivileged children to enrich their lives, to provide them with a moments peace and dignity, to place a smile on a face so often left hollow and empty. But inevitably, fears have overcome me. Fear of being in harms way, fear of leaving my own family behind, fear of my health, fear of the loss of personal comforts. But do you see how really these fears are drown from selfishness of sorts. I wish I could step beyond those fears. I keep thinking that there is a world out there so much richer for me. Am I making some sense here or merely rambling? Anyway, my desire would be to make myself available to help underprivileged children and if that lead to some type of remembrance for my actions, all the better.

Maybe one day, after digging deep within for that courage, I'll go for it! Who knows, maybe my answer lies here in my own 'neighborhood.' So let me hear what you'd do to be remembered.

Friday, October 20, 2006


I apologize for the late Friday post but there was a blogger issue that prevented me from finishing out my post last night. Warning in advance...this is a longer post than I have been doing...but then again it's my blog and it's about an important event in my life since coming out!

So my first Pride has come and gone. I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had. I am certain that some of those bloggers and their partners whom I met in Orlando for the first time this past weekend had other impressions. Admittedly I was more reserved than normal. But there were two reasons. I was meeting a new group of people who I really did not know much about and secondly, probably the primary reason for my 'quietness,' was that I was soaking up the entire experience. I absolutely could not believe how many people were at Pride. All I kept thinking was, 'My gosh, if this is how big it is here, I can only imagine how large the event is in places like New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles."

But let's step back for a moment. I spent five days in Orlando - so what did I do? Thursday was primarily a travel day. It all started at the Orange County (So. CAL) airport at 6 am. Had a one-stop flight through Denver to Orlando. Didn't see any of Denver from the air but I was impressed with the airport! I landed in Orlando Thursday evening at 6pm to be greeted by a familiar face and beaming smile from Spider. That familiarity was beginning to feel like home again! What are good friends for?! We had dinner at Pei Wei's and spent the rest of the evening 'just chillin' and getting caught up on things.

Friday started off as a beach day. We drove out to Playlinda beach near Cape Canaveral, to bask in the sun 'au naturale.' Let's just say my experience was exhilarating, none the less. Nothing like feeling the wind and water against your skin, unrestricted. We had one hunky couple come plant themselves about 10 yards from us, so we did get a tad bit of eye candy. At about 2:30pm we headed on up to Jacksonville. Spider and I planted ourselves at the Hyatt Hotel along the St. John's River. What a view! After quickly showering, we headed on over to see Derek and his partner, Mike. Spider and I got a wee bit lost finding their place so we got on the phone and ended up getting directed in verbally over the phone. And BOY! did we get an eyeful of candy as we drove up. TWO GORGEOUS SHIRTLESS HAIRY BEARS waving us on up the block. I just wish I had a photo of that moment to show you all what Spider and I saw. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOF!!!!!! Lots of hugging! Mike and Derek took us out to three local hangouts for drinks and dinner but the best part of the night was the company. We chatted about several things. And now I have met Mike officially. He is a great guy...what can you say about a person who knows nothing about you but makes you feel welcome in his space. What a conversationalist. THANKS MIKE! I truly hope that our meeting turns into an evolving friendship. And of course, if you all didn't know, guess Spider and I some how inspired Mike to join the blogging world. He now has his own blog called The Life Of A Bare Bear (a partial blog here too). We all just need to encourage him to make some routine posts.

Saturday was a day to enjoy Jacksonville. Mike had to work (we were bummed) but Derek came downtown to join Spider and me for a cruise of the area. The three of us just had a great time hanging, chatting about a variety of stuff, and simply being silly. As you may already know, some of the silliness extended over to posing and doing rather provocative poses with some of the famous landmarks in Jacksonville. You'll have to mosey on over to Derek's blog to check those photos out. Derek also took us over to his neighborhood so we could get a nice perspective of what he sees everyday and where he hangs at times to simply find a moment's peace. There are some really incredible views of the Jacksonville cityscape and the St. John's River from the riverbank in his 'neck of the woods.' And then it came, I had to say goodbye to Derek. I gave him the biggest "squeezing hug." What else do you do to someone you truly care about as a friend and in who you see so much of yourself. It's just hard leaving that infectious Southern-boy smile of Derek's. Spider and I had hoped he and Mike would drive down for Pride for the day but we knew it was a dicy call.

So with a bit of a heavy heart, Spider and I hit the road again, back to Orlando. We had a 6:30pm dinner engagement with Sorted and the new Florida bloggers I was to meet, Mikell of How Does One Deal? and Doug of Whisper In The Void, to include their partners. Spider and I managed to get back to the Cottage (his house) around 5:30pm so we got ourselves all "beautified." The guests all strolled up on time with the exception of Sorted. My lordy, what in the world was keeping him...he's always so punctual. Hehehe! Just playing with ya Sorted. We headed off to Friends, the local gay-friendly restaurant, for lots of conversation and an opportunity to get to know each other better. From there we walked two blocks to Studs for drinks and more conversation. We had the owner, "D" and his partner "S" join our group. All I can say is, "Damn, what one hot couple." You'll see them (or portions of them), hehehe!, in the photos to follow. It was a wrap at about 11:30 pm. Had to get our beauty sleep for the big Pride day. Anh-hah!

Sunday strolled in. We were greeted with absolutely phenomenal weather. Comfortable low 80s or so and virtually no humidity. The gang all go together at Spider's place again and we walked down to Central Market for brunch. We worked our way down to the central plaza in Orlando where all the booths and stage were set up. Of course we checked everything out, and I mean 'everything,' including anything walking on two legs...hint, hint! Trust me, there were a few hotties! Just bummed though as the bear crowd was next to nil. I guess all the events of the simultaneous Bearbust kept the bears away. *sigh* Eeked in lunch and then strolled down to lake and planted ourselves along part of the parade route. Once it all started, I just was amazed at the mix in the crowd, gays, straights, parents with children. Really a neat, fun, festive feel...the way it should be. I had to laugh at those guys twirling the batons and spinning those flags. They really got into the beat of the music and the cheering from the crowds. Every now and then you could hear a shout, "You go G-U-R-L!" LMAO! I even saw Colaboy in one of the vehicles pulling a parade float. We also ran into another blogger I read, Wenchy, who happens to be a very good friend of Sorted. Once the parade finished the gang headed back over to the square for drinks and to watch some of the stage performances. The local Orlando Theatre crew did a few numbers from WICKED and of course, we had the drag queen comedians going at it. Around 6pm we headed back to Spider's pad to clean up and get in some dinner. We lost Mikell and his partner, "S," but the rest of us headed over to Wildside in Thornton Park for our last moments together. I can't begin to say what wonderful people Doug, his partner Chris, Mikell, and his partner, "S," are. It continues to blow my mind how people connected merely by a computer, have been able to intermingle in person with such ease. And even Doug's and Mikell's partners...here are two guys who don't blog, yet they mixed in with the crowd as if we all had been long-time friends. WOW!

And with the weekend passing along came this past Monday - my last day in Orlando. Spider and I were up early and worked our way over to Central Market for brunch. My last moments with him for a spell. I have no idea when I'll be back out to Florida though I will be back...too many people there that mean the world to me. Then it was off to the airport to begin what became my nightmare trip home - 24 hours virtually of travel time and dead time in airports with nothing to eat for the longest spell and a sleepless night. All this thanks to a major storm in Houston, the city I had to go through on the way home to get out to So. CAL.

Hope you enjoy some of the photos below that, to me, summed up my Pride weekend experience!

To all of you bloggers in Florida - you are my 'family.' Thanks to each and everyone of you for making my first pride experience so memorable. An extended thank you to Derek and Mike for showing me a part of their home town. And a very special thank you with a big, squishy hug to Spider for putting up with me for the entire weekend, for offering me a place to stay, and for carting me in his own vehicle up to Jacksonville to see Derek and Mike (after I had to told him I was renting a car for that trip). WARM HUGS TO ALL!

Playlinda Beach

Downtown Jacksonville at St. John's River - evening.

My two gorgeous, hunky friends, Derek and Mike (l to r). Aren't they the cutest couple?!

Downtown Jacksonville moment to the ol' Jacksonville fire o fthe early 1900s, as seen from my hotel room.

Oh! If only I could live this lifestyle!!! Do you think they would have seen me standing naked at the window in my room?

More Jacksonville cityscape - this city has so much DAMN potential to be a hotspot if it is developed right.

Unique fountain, non-operable at the time, at the pier in Jacksonville.

This Chart House Restaurant caught my eye as unique in style from the typical ones I see back in California. It was partially sunken in the ground and the entire backside of the restaurant offered its customers one killer view of the St. John's Riverfront and downtown.

Align CenterMy, Spider looks to be heavily contemplating something here! I wonder what?

The sailor's monument at the Jacksonville riverfront.

Derek and me with a DAMN third wheel, Mr. Sailor Man! My, he looks familiar - where did I see him last...Mr. Sailor Man that is?!

Jacksonville had these jaguars all over the city painted out differently in each location.

Me on Orlando Pride Day.

Me pulling off a BRETTCAJUN pose. Damn, I should have removed my t-shirt...my ratings could have shot through the moon. LMAO!

Arms looking okay. Now if I can work those abs a bit more as my bud, BrettCajun, always says.

Doug and his partner, Chris - two of four new people I met in Orlando. Doug's the blogger of the two.

Align CenterPride staging area.

Oh boy! What a few Bloody Marys can do to a group of guys! (l to r, Mikell, his partner "S", and Sorted)

Now I couldn't get enough of this incredibly HUNKY stud. I literally sat at the restaurant with this view, fantasizing about him. I really wish I had had the balls to go up and introduce myself. IS HE NOT A DISH OR WHAT?

It's them bikers on wheels!! Dikes and all.

The parade!!!

Where are all those young bears and cubs?!

My, Dorothy from Kansas is all grown up!

Pul-leeze. Tell me another story!

Now don't gays do color good!!!

'You go G-U-R-L-S!' as Sorted says.

I never new a guy could look so hot waving a flag. This guy was totally into the routine.

Align CenterDoug and Chris (far lt and middle) find there first mate at the parade wearing kilt. Who said guys can't look sexy in skirts?!

It's the Tupperware Lady!! Oh baby, she gave me the tongue!

OOOO! this guy could 'ram' me any day!

It's the UNIVERSAL Studios float!

Remember earlier I told you about "D", the bar owner, and his partner "S." Well this is "S" and I couldn't get enough of those sweet cheeks!

The crowd and the main gathering center.

Sorted and Wenchy. My, you have matching shorts!

Here are "S" and "D" again (l to r). Seems the Orlando police made "S" cover up those gorgeous cheeks of his. *sigh* Can you imagine this shot of him without the shirt in place. *bigger sigh!*

Orlando Pride's Grand Marshall this year along with the events two drag comedian host'esses.' Does he look familiar? Guess!

The Orlando Pride Gang!
(l to r)
Me, "S"- Mikell's partner, Mikell, Sorted, Spider, Chris - Doug's partner, and Doug
P.S. This shot came off of Doug's camera!