Sunday, December 31, 2006

TIME FOR CHANGE - I'M MOVING TO... Don't ask me why, but I felt it was time for a change with the New Year ringing in as of 12 midnight. Seems like several blogger friends have or will be making the move too. So click here to check out my new 'digs' and to see what the post of the day is. I will be leaving up this post and my Blogger blog for one month so that any of my current readers and any new readers can make the adjustment. Be sure to update my link on your blog if you have me down as a 'read.'

The new URL is Happy New Year!

Friday, December 29, 2006


Well the week is nearly over and we are heading into the weekend. It's hard to believe that there are only two more days left in the holiday season and in 2006. I don't think I want to see another box of See's candy, another bundle of cookies, or another gift basket for as long as I live. All that food sitting around and 'temptation' hell. I swear at some point today it's back to the cardio and weighlifting after a 2 day hiatus.

The next to last of my siblings heads for home later this morning with the last one departing on Saturday. I am just happy that we were able to get the entire family in a single location for Christmas, including the newborn nephews. The smile on my face runs from ear to ear. I spent most of last night holding my one remaining 2-month old nephew, Angelo. The two of us even dozed off together for about an hour. I know some of you may think I am off my rocker in this next comment but "I miss not being a father." I realize that children are a huge responsibility yet I think the simple joys they bring far outweigh the negatives.

With that said, Mom is here in southern California for another week, leaving next Thursday, January 4th. Today and tomorrow (Saturday), I'll be spending my entire day measuring out my Senior Project floor plans so that they are ready for keying into CAD at the start of next week. I had hoped to have someone lined up to key in the floor plans for me, allowing me an opportunity to get out to Orlando for 4-5 days. But since things are not quite set up with a 'CAD keyer' and the potential still looming that I may have to do it, the trip is still up in the air. I so wanted to be out visiting my friends Spider, Sorted, and Derek this New Year's weekend, to be ringing in the New Year with that special someone, both in the singular and plural sense of the word.

So what do you have in line for the New Year's weekend? Will you be spending it with anyone special?

As I draw this post to a conclusion, I just want to take this opportunity to wish each of you happiness and prosperity in 2007. I am so thankful for having been blessed this past year with the expansion of my circle of friends through blogging. My only hope for this new year is that I have the pleasure of meeting and or talking with more of my blogger buds directly. One last thing, have loads of fun this weekend, but if you will be out drinking this weekend, please do not get behind the wheel of a car and drive. Sending out some huge hugs!

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


It's Thursday and we are slowly moving into the New Year Holiday weekend. Can you believe the last few days of December are upon us! Where did this year go?

But as we get ready to close out this year, there are still a few eventful moments before it concludes. One of those events is the birthday of one of my dearest friends. I've talked about him in my blog on several occasions and actually featured him in one of my earliest blogging posts on May 10, 2006, titled Sexy - A Sense of Humor. That special person is Pete from It's Just Nothing.

Saratoga, New York - August, 2006

Pete is an incredible individual. Funny, silly, devilish, angelic, sensitive, caring, thoughtful, intelligent, fun, loyal...gosh I could give you a list much longer. And I mean every word of what I say. He's not merely a blogger acquaintance but someone who I have met, who has gone on several trips with me, who is truly all-out genuine. When he's ready to find that special someone, Pete is going to be quite the catch. If you haven't given Pete's blog a read, do! And while you are there pass along some birthday wishes.

So before I embarrass him anymore... Pete I just want to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! There isn't a day that goes by that you aren't in my thoughts. Miss you, you big lovable bear! Hugs.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006



Main Entry: pro·tag·o·nist
Pronunciation: prO-'ta-g&-nist
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek prOtagOnistEs, from prOt- prot- + agOnistEs competitor at games, actor, from agOnizesthai to compete, from agOn contest, competition at games -- more at AGONY
1 a : the principal character in a literary work (as a drama or story) b : a leading actor, character, or participant in a literary work or real event
2 : a leader, proponent, or supporter of a cause : CHAMPION

Wednesday WORD PLAY is here once again. Thought today's word choice might be interesting to see what it conjures up in your minds. And my word choice is protagonist!

Usage: Martin Luther King was a protagonist for the civil rights cause. One has to wonder, with this past year's elevation of gay awareness, who might step forward in 2007 as the protagonist of gay rights and set the walls of 'blindness,' of ignorance, of intolerance tumbling.

Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word protagonist in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Another Christmas has come and gone. Somehow it always seems so anti-climatic. But none-the -less this was an incredible Christmas for me. Our family traditionally draws one person and buys one gift for him or her with a set spending limit being established. This year we were to forego it as some individuals in the family were having tougher years financially. I say 'suppose to' as my little sister, her husband, and my mother chose to keep the tradition going by playing Santa Claus'. Needless to say I was perturbed but grateful. 'Santa' brought me some clothing items, some cash, and the real big surprise, my new LG EnV cellphone (my sister and brother-in-law's gift to me).

But what made me the most happy was merely having my family in my presence, sharing the commonalities we do have - our faith and our love for each other. I sat looking at my nieces and nephews, thinking "where has all the time gone?" This holiday is really about recalling the PAST in hopes of setting the path for the FUTURE. I'm not going to try to explain myself as it ties in with my faith (as you know I tend to retain privacy on that element). I am so fortunate for this blessing. The other item that was the 'feather in the cap' was speaking with friends and exchanging well wishes. This year I chose to thank a few close friends with simple gifts because their lives, their spirit, their generosity, their friendship has impacted me in so many ways. Admittedly the giving of the gifts brought me some pleasure but the greatest pleasure I received was merely hearing their voices. I miss not having them in my daily life in some physical location nearby.
Hmmm! I could go on but I suspect I need to shift gears over to the other portion of my post today. So without further ado....
It's time for another Tuesday "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?" I'm curious about something so I have this question for you:
How do you like to spend your day after Christmas?

I realize that there may be some people who do have to work the day after Christmas so tell us how you would like to spend it if you had the day off. Me personally, I don't know anymore. I used to love to hit the stores the day after Christmas. I're saying, "Is he nuts? Join in with all the chaotic crowds." What can I tell you. I use to love hitting the Macy's and Nordstrom's Day After and Semi-Annual Men's Sales, respectively. However, the last five years or so I have found no interest in doing it. I'd rather now sleep in and have a day of leisure. Not sure if it's age creeping up on me, my lack of interest these days with being current on fashion, or some combination thereof. If I had my way, I'd like to be lounging by a roaring fire surrounded in utter silence. Bliss!

So, care to share your thoughts on this topic.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas today! Some pictures of my Saturday night adventure to a neighborhood about a 75 minute drive from where I am. This neighborhood does it yearly. This year we took two nieces that hadn't been before and they had a blast. Some residents were selling hot coffee, hot chocolate, churros, even hot homemade tamales. If only there was more neighborhood camaraderie like this nationwide. So enjoy! A side note: I've incorporated some photos that are a little blurry only because they often showed the full-on view of the neigborhood in it's lighted stage.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I debated when to post this and finally decided to do so today. I wanted as many of my fellow bloggers and blog lovers to get this message. I know a good chunk of individuals on Friday and Saturday will probably begin their Christmas trips home to see family and or to special travel destinations. And therefore my posting for Thursday.

I realize that Christmas is not a holiday for all. Some people are of different religious denominations, some are atheistic, and some simply do not see reason to celebrate the day. I understand and respect this. Since moving out on my own, Christmas has been a hit or miss celebration for me. I suspect the component that drives my feelings is the holiday's commercialism. But one element I won't pass on, is an the opportunity to enjoy the day with family. My enjoyment comes from watching the people I love find happiness in the spirit of the day, especially the nieces and nephews. And well, a few gifts here and there never hurts.

This year I find myself feeling blessed with so much. My Christmas presents came might say at the beginning of 2006, all because of the doors that the blogging world opened for establishing meaningful friendships - friendships that I know aren't going away. First I want to thank any and all that have come to my blog, whether you have left comments or merely remain anonymous in the background. Secondly, thanks to those on my keep me going with your faithful commentary. Admittedly there are a few bloggers that I know comment and that I read on occasion that I have yet to add to my blogroll. I'll get to it one of these days. Lastly, I have some special thanks for people like Rob, Pete, Brett(Cajun) Spider, Sorted, Derek, Mike, Hypoxic (retired blogger), Josh, and Tom. You have put faces and or voices to the names behind the blogs. Each of you has welcomed me without conditions or judgment. To each of you a giant hug. Because of you I am more self-confident with the person I am.

My wish for each of you is to have a day of peace, rest, and well, maybe, just maybe, a bit of self-indulgence. To those of you that may not be experiencing the best of times, I hope, for a moment, that the heavy-heart and burden will be lifted.

Don't you just love Santa?! What a hunk in the buff.

Pete, this made my day!



One entry found for euphoria.
Main Entry: eu·pho·ria
Pronunciation: yü-'for-E-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from euphoros healthy, from eu- + pherein to bear -- more at BEAR
: a feeling of well-being or elation
- eu·phor·ic /-'for-ik, -'f¤r-/ adjective
- eu·phor·i·cal·ly /-i-k[&-]lE/ adverb

So we stroll into Wednesday, hump day, 5 days before Christmas, 2 days left until the weekend, and a day for yet another WORD PLAY post. Today's word is euphoria.

Usage: I have this memory of an incredible night that I spent with someone special. A king size bed, fine white lines, a fluffy down comforter, river breezes. This stud sent me in to a state of euphoria that put my body in a complete state of numbness. I think it was a whole new level of orgasm! Too much info??? I'd be in heaven if Santa could somehow grant that wish and present it to me as my Christmas gift. Hmmm! There might be one other person that could put me in a state of euphoria but that's my fantasy man! You all know who that is.

So what's your sentence for the day?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Another Tuesday is upon us and we have less than a week now until Christmas. Hopefully each of you has most of your shopping done, if not all of it, and you can cruise into the holiday weekend, enjoying it. And given what today is, it's time to stroll into another HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? Tuesday post.

Let's get things started. The question for today is:
If you had a choice to spend your Christmas morning anywhere other than your home, how would like to spend it? I'm leaving the question open-ended as I feel it warrants it.
This is an easy question for me. Ever since visiting Europe my first time back in 1982, I have dreamed of returning to this one place at Christmas time. This small town is phenomenal to visit during the non-winter months but I see it so vividly as a storybook village during the snowy winter months.

What town am I referring to? It's Salzburg, Austria. I see myself staying in the old historical portion of Salzburg, criss-crossed with cobblestone streets. I see myself waking up to snow softly falling outside while lying in clean white linens, snuggled under a fluffy down comforter. I see villagers strolling the streets all bundled up, local choirs singing in the old Gothic and Baroque churches, the smell of yummy pastries and applestrudel permeating the air. I see myself sitting in the guesthouse's public living area soaking up the warm heat of a crackling fire, sipping on some rich European hot chocolate, gazing outside and admiring the snow-covered Austrian Alps with the lush forests below. I have myself all worked up over the thought of Salzburg. One of these days I will make this dream happen. Trust me! I don't know when, but I will make it happen.

So I just have to hear your thoughts - 'spill the beans' please!

Monday, December 18, 2006


I am opting out of the "What Would You Do?" post today. Pete challenged me to do this meme, in part to mix up my blog posting a bit. He's only one of a handful that could twist my arm. Appears Pete picked up the meme over at The Non Stop Ultimate.

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

I'll have to ditto Pete's response on this..."Gosh look at all that gray in my beard!"

2. How much cash do you have on you?

Physically...about $400.

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?"


4. Favorite planet?

No laughing...Uranus. HEHEHE! I am so bad!

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?

Oh was Spider! I should call him. HEHEHE!

6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?

I just use one of the generic tones on my phone called "Better Days."

7. What shirt are you wearing?

At the moment I am shirtless! Get your minds out of the gutter.

8. Do you "label" yourself?

Spinning off Pete's comment, labels are for inanimate objects. I don't put some type of classification on myself. OTHER people are the one's that do that - if they are insecure.

9. Name the brand of the shoes you're currently wearing?

AU NATURALE...translation barefeet! Lordy, am I beginning to create a picture here with some of my responses?!

10. Bright or dark room?

Oh, that depends on the activity involved as well here.

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?

Well Pete already knows how I feel about him. He will always hold a special place in my heart. Hugs bud!

12. What does your watch look like?

I don't where a watch...never have. I really on my car and cellphone clocks.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?

That would have been Saturday...I was in bed at midnight. I know, boring.

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?

The text message was from Spider...the message was for my eyes only.

15. Where is your nearest 7-11?

About a mile from my place.

16. What's a word that you say a lot?

It's not a word but rather a phrase..."So what else is new?"

17. Who told you he/she loved you last?

For my ears only. Hehehe!

18. Last furry thing you touched?

My roommate's girlfriend's dog.

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?

NO hard core drugs. Only my daily meds.

20. How many rolls of film do you need developed?

Film...I haven't bought a roll of film in five years!

21. Favorite age you have been so far?

My early twenties right out of college, when life seemed more simple, when I traveled through Europe for the summer, when I bought my first new car.

22. Your worst enemy?

My need to be perfect in everything that I do (when I know that is not humanly possible).

23. What is your current desktop picture?

It's a picture of me and my two brothers taken Easter Sunday of 2003. I was 'goatee'less. I'd love to show you the picture but family is personal at this moment.

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?

Goodnight! Hugs.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?

I'll echo the comments of the author that meme'd me. I'd want to fly hands down as that alone could give me opportunities to see places I wanted to see and likely give me the million bucks as well.

26. Do you like someone?

I like all kinds of people!

27. The last song you listened to?

AWAKE from Josh Groban.

28. What time of day were you born?

If my recollection serves me right, I think mom told me in the early morning hours.

29. What's your favorite number?

Three. It offers so many variations for such a small number. ;-)

30. Where did you live in 1987?

South San Francisco, CA.

31. Are you jealous of anyone?

Just of Jack Radcliffe! If I could only look like him. Seriously, I have no reason, at the moment to be jealous.

32. Is anyone jealous of you?

I have no idea. I hope not.

33. Where were you when 9/11 happened?

At work (Auto/Homeowners Insurance field).

34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

Pound on them. Like that is going to do anything.

35. Do you consider yourself kind?

I try to be kind. Am I successful at it all the time...NO!

36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?

I am not really a fan of tattoos. My first response is to say the butt to hide it. However I might be able to live with it placed above my bicep below the shoulder

37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?

Italian all the way.

38. Would you move for the person you loved?

That's a debated question at the moment. With me starting a new career and it being one that brings more success in a metropolitan area suited to it, the options are limited - at least in my mind.

39. Are you touchy feely?

Not immediately but get me with someone I like and am comfortable with, lordy watch out.

40. What's your life motto?

It's the subtext right below my blog name. It is : Seeing And Living Each Moment For The Moment It Is

41. Name three things that you have on you at all times?

Well I just loved Pete's response, "Dick, balls and the crack of my ass. All times remember…I never leave home without them."

42. What's your favorite town/city?

If it's U.S. based, I'd say it's a three-way tie (what's with the number three..Hmmmm! It arouses me) between San Francisco, San Diego, and New York City. If it's open worldwide, it's a tie between Salzburg, Austria and Rome, Italy.

43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?

I can't say 'cuz it would give away a Christmas gift that is for one of my dear friends and fellow blogger.

44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?

This past week as part of an inclusion in a few Christmas cards that I sent out.

45. Can you change the oil on a car?

Thank goodness that one of a few things I can do on a car. That's good for me since I am not very car oriented.

46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?

Honestly, I have never bee in love with anyone. As for now, we're seeing where the future is going to take me. It's still personal.

47. How far back do you know about your ancestry?

Great-Grandparents. I so wish I knew more and could go farther back much like Derek over at Past, Present, and Future.

48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy?

Friday night for my company's Christmas party (where I intern). I was wearing a pair of dressy light brown woo slacks, Italian leather shoes, a French long-sleeve shirt that was stripped in fushia, lime, white, and tan stripes, and a brown suede car coat! I 'd say I looked rather HOT!

49. Does anything hurt on your body right now?

Now why do you ask? It's private.

50. Have you been burned by love?

No. And I don't like to think of it as burned. If people are adult about it, it's a mutual understanding and separation.

So Pete, there you have it. I did it just for you. Hope the rest of my blog readers picked up something new about me. I'd love to throw this meme at the direction of a few commenters. Hopefully they'll see this post and take the challenge. Josh, CityWoof, and Derek...are you up for it?! If anyone else wishes to partake, step in. Have a good week.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Another Friday is upon us and only 9 more days until Christmas for those of you who partake in this celebration. Where does all the time go? Just a smidgen over two weeks and we'll be sailing into 2007!

Hey...before getting into today's post, I felt the need to clarify something in my post yesterday, entitled WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR AROUND THE HOLIDAYS. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts were not intended to be directed at individuals who, for whatever reason, chose not to participate in the holidays. I realize there are as many reasons to steer clear of the holidays as there are to partake. And I, for one, have on several occasions in recent years chose not to get wrapped up in it, with the exception of spending time with my family. My intent behind the post was to have each of us pause when we are feeling that urge that all is wrong in our life and carefully reflect on our current lives. So many of us don't realize what we do have, as small as those blessings may be. Then I was hoping it might be easier to see our problems sometimes are that great and that we can direct that energy toward others who do need help emotionally, spiritually, or financially.

With that hopefully dispelled, I'll move onto today's post. Here is the question I love to ask at the end of the week, "What's up for your weekend?"

Well, with my shopping done, or at least with what I intended to do, here's my agenda for the weekend...

Friday: Up early today to get my presents wrapped and out in the mail before I risk not getting them to their respective recipients before Christmas Day. Then I plan squeezing in some spaceplanning work for my Senior Project class that starts mid-January. If I am lucky I'll get in a short workout. Then I am off for an evening on the town. My employer, for which I am interning, is having it's Christmas party. It's at a dinner theater...should be interesting since I have never done anything remotely of this nature.

Saturday: More spaceplanning with intents of finishing all of it this day! I am also hoping to visit my other sister here in southern California. I have been terrible at keeping up with her and checking in lately. I know she had a rough time with a week ago with my 14 year-old autistic nephew. My brother-in-law was over in Hong Kong for a week on business. Needless to say, if you know anything about autism, the child can get fixated on some things. Lets say my nephew drove my sister nuts for several days, demanding that the Christmas decorations be put up. She finally conceded, short of my brother-in-law getting home. Oh! Did I say slip inn another workout? Have to keep this 'SEE's candy weight' off me.

Sunday: "And the Lord said 'Rest!' " Well, maybe I'll slip in a carwash and detail.

So let me know what's on your agenda for the weekend. I always enjoy hearing. Cheers!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


It's easy to feel miserable during the holiday season and view it as a waste of time. Stores are crowded. People are pushy and demanding. Funds seem to be in short supply. Work sometimes offers year end pressures. And there is never enough time to take in all the season's events. These are only a handful of possibilities for some to view the holidays as 'Bah-Humbug!'

But if you have the remotest bit of comfort, family members, loved ones, and/or friends to share the holidays with and to offer emotional support, and a small cash reserve, then you have so much to be thankful for during this time of year. So many people battle mental illness during this time of year. Many walk the streets homeless, cold and hungry. There are those that literally live from paycheck to paycheck wondering when what little comfort they do have will fade away with the flip of a switch. And there are individuals who live each individual day of the holiday season wondering if they will make it to the next day, their bodies ravaged with life-draining diseases.

STOP! Pause for a moment. Is your life really that bad this holiday season? It's easy to 'bitch and moan' about petty things. But I firmly believe that if you can find one shining moment in your daily life and are blessed with basic life essentials, you need to give yourself a solid smack upside the head if you're playing the 'woe-is-me' violin! Trust me, it doesn't take much to find a smidgen of positivism. If you can't see it in your life, then ask a friend to help point it out. Then direct all that negative energy toward yet one more positive element. Help someone by offering some warmth, a kind word, financial assistance, emotional support, a simple smile and hello!

And now I have this to direct you to...

I have never made light of or hid the fact that I do not enjoy extensive reading. But every known and then I find a blog that reels me in with such intensity, grips the very soul of my being, tears at the emotions locked deep within, that I have to continue reading it. In this particular case, I know some of my readers may be familiar with the blog as I see your comments in it. For those of you who haven't, stop by and say hi to this individual. And you can tell him I sent you. Whose blog am I singing the praises - it's Bigg's My Confessions.

While you are at his blogsite, send him some love please. Bigg has had a rough year personally. He's trying to live his life by being true to himself. He works his tale off to support his kids while living through a marriage separation. I know that I'd be sitting in a hospital if I pushed myself like Bigg does. BIGG - you are an incredible guy (and a hell'uva writer). I wish I could somehow lighten your load. Thinking of you this holiday season. Hugs!

"That's a wrap!" as Lemeul says.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006



1) No silly! Today's word is not

So what do I have up my sleeve? Today's Wednesday
Word Play is truly playing with words or rather word phrases. It probably will even test your memory. Give me a line from your favorite Christmas carol and by all means, if the title is not evident in some manner within the line, let us know the carol. And if you have a story behind the choice, by all means, please share it.

Guess I'll kick things off. I have to admit I found myself laughing last night with Spider as I was trying to get ideas for my post. I got on a roll with some lines and lets just say I was getting a bit warped. Example:
Deck the halls with balls (oh I mean boughs) of holly....

My choice of a line from a carol is "Do you see what I see?..." WOOHOO!! (Ok Tony, don't go there. Hehehe!) That line is from DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR? I just remember dear ol' Bing singing it with that deep voice of really stirred the emotions for me at Christmas.

And you?

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It amazes me sometimes how fast time really flies. The year always seems to start of slow but as the summer comes and goes, the year goes into warp speed! And so does each week. We are already upon another Tuesday so time to ask that infamous question you are all too familiar with - How Do You Like It?

Still rolling with the holiday theme, I'd like to ask, "How do you like to spend your Christmas Day?"

For well over 30 years now, our family has always celebrated our Christmas on Christmas Eve. As many of us as possible attend Christmas Mass, followed by a huge feast of sorts, and then the opening of gifts. So on Christmas day I like to sleep in a little later while dreaming of sugar plum fairies. I get up, shower, and usually head over to the house where the Christmas activity is to be. It used to be my mom's but as of the last four years, it has been at my little sister's place here in southern California.

The day is usually very low key with us all just hanging around conversing about things of the past, current events, and often trips that we'll take in the coming year. I kind of absorb all the activity by lying on the floor, listening, while soaking up the roaring fire that is usually going. Somehow this always puts me in a meditative-like trance. And then we cap the day off with a nice family dinner, usually some beef course like prime rib or fillet mignon, the trimmings, and holiday cookies and fudge for dessert. Oh, and I can't forget the premium red wine that my brother-in-law always seems to whip out on these type of occasion. Let's just say it's not uncommon for it to be a triple-digit (cost) French wine. Pure heaven, silky smooth!

So that's how my Christmas day usually goes. Looking forward to hearing from you all how you like to spend yours.

Monday, December 11, 2006


"Afterall, how could I ignore someone that could lay such a flattering comment on me. ... If I could digress briefly, I have to share with you the first thought that popped into my head when I saw D****'s picture: 'What a big giant warm, fuzzy teddy-bear.' ... D**** is very much the sensitive, open-and kind-hearted, introspective, genuine person that so much of his writing portrays. These are just a few of the traits that I love about him. The other thing that always draws a warm smile from me is D****'s ability to be so openly blunt and real in such a southern innocent way. I love it!
We have often exchanged stories over the phone about family. He always speaks fondly of his immediate, as well as extended family. I am no different. I think some of that comes from his upbringing - family values, morals, faith...."

This was an excerpt from my November 2, 2006 post entitled A Southern Boy Friendship. It pertained to my blogger bud and someone I am proud to call a close friend. And that incredible friend is Derek, over at Past, Present, and Future. What more can I say about a man that carries a huge 'plus' mark in my Book of Life! If only we had a few more of him cloned, the world might be a much brighter place. Not to mention that I will have died and gone to heaven that many more times because the world is populated by yet another bearish southern-accented man! Heart be still. LMAO.

So what's my point for all this hype over Derek. I have an important message for him......

As I have said in the past big fella', I am so lucky to be able to call you a 'dear friend.' Huggerz!!!


So with the hoopla all spelled out, let's get on to today's post. It's What Would You Do? Monday. I'd like to play off the above post and ask you the following question: If you had a dear friend who was turning FORTY years old and knew he/she was a little sensitive about this seemingly threshold age, what would you do - throw a surprise party, keep the celebration low key and private, or ignore any celebration of sorts? Elaborate please.

A 'toughie' for me. I so love to encourage people to enjoy the person they are and that includes their age. Part of me would want to through a big party, assuming I could handle it financially. But I do understand that some people are overly-conscious of their age. I think that I would likely probe my friend indirectly to determine if he/she would really have a meltdown if I made the bold move to throw a party. If I senses some positive feedback, I probably would make the lunge and go forth with the party. Otherwise I'd honor my friend's desires to utter privacy.


Thursday, December 07, 2006


I love least at the moment. My work week ended yesterday. But given the hectic run earlier this week, it concluded on a very good note. I had gotten my internship review from my employer earlier this week which pleased me.

Today while the other two designers were out at lunch, my employer hit me with a statement that caught me off-guard. She started by asking me what I was going to be doing once school was done. She went on to inquire how I was feeling about commercial work. I was honest and told her that while Residential Design was still an interest, I was actually enjoying Commercial Design more. My employer went on to say that everyone at the firm thought I was doing well and that I was a welcomed edition.

So where am I going with all this babbling. In a round-about way, my employer was telling me I had a job after my internship if I wanted it. I told her I had been actually thinking about picking up a part-time job once the internship ended in January to obtain much needed income. However I emphasized to my employer that my last class was important and was taking priority with respect to my time. She encouraged me to think about it for a spell but to let her know sometime in the near future as they were getting ready to post on MONSTER.COM. There you have it. I felt quite honored to know that I am appreciated already and there is a bit of ease knowing I have something to fall back on if needed.

Guess we are at that point where I ask, "What's up for your weekend?"

  • Friday: Shopping for birthday cards and X-mas presents; hitting the bank; getting my workout in for the day; then heading off for my "golden massage" and dinner with two dear friends.
  • Saturday: Begin to work on my spaceplanning of the two area changes given to me in my Senior Project II class before I dropped; workout; fill the rest of the day with whatever is needed; and maybe make a few personal phone calls to this person, or this person, or this person, or this person.
  • Sunday: Do some Christmas cards, I hope, and wrap some gifts; chill time or possibly some more Senior Project spaceplanning.

Boring, aye!!! Sometimes things just go that way.

So let me know what's on your 'table?' I always enjoy hearing. As before, Happy Holidays!!


As I said yesterday, the week up to that point (A.M.) had been hectic. Yesterday was no different. I can't seem to find a moment to myself to get back into my blog commenting rhythm. And guys I feel bad about that so please bare with me. I am sure there are some out there thinking I may have forgotten about them...I haven't. Heck a part of me is even getting a little frustrated because I don't have time to write some more personal, thought-out posts like I used to inject into my blog. But what can I do short of losing a piece of my sanity?! So today, I'll share some weekly tidbits with you.

Art Appreciation 20 Comes To An End
This past Tuesday night was the end of my Art History class. I turned in my paper and did my 15 minute presentation on
Maya Lin and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Controversy. Let's just say I aced it! I am actually going to miss the class. I was just getting acquainted with some of the 18 and 19 year olds in the class. I was even getting use to their wise-cracks about, "Oh know, Tony's up (to do his presentation). It's all downhill here for the rest of use!" Hey, this 'DADDY BEAR' just had to show them what he's made of. I had the professor, at the end of the class, tell me that she enjoyed having me and appreciated my presence in the class. What can you say to that other than 'Thanks!' Anyhow, I am expecting an "A" in the class.

1 Down...1 And 1/2 To Do!!!
With Art History completed, I officially have my Associates in Fine Arts - Design. Now all I have left is a little under 120 of 240 hours left interning and my Senior Thesis Project part II class and school is done with for good. Finito! Caputz!! I'll have my Bachelors Degree. It won't come quick enough.

Little Sis' Rollcoaster Ride
Last week I shared with you that my sister had miscarried. I appreciate all the thoughts that everyone left. Admittedly I held back on some additional news that came two days later. Little Sis' doctor had her take some additional blood tests to confirm that the baby was dead. Well the results came back and much to my sister and brother-in-laws' shock, they were informed that the doctor may have screwed up on the calculation of the baby's due date, meaning they had here in too early for an ultrasound to effectively determine if the baby had a heartbeat, etc. See they can't determine that any sooner than 9 weeks. So up went their hopes again. From here, let me give you the condensed version. Sister goes in Saturday for more testing. Sister gets the new results this past Monday...not good! Her hormone level had not double in 48 hours as is required so baby is now officially declared dead. Sister goes in for a DNC surgical procedure yesterday, late afternoon. Brother-in-law out of town for this - I step in to get her home from the hospital. I still am not sure if she has told my little niece and nephew yet about the loss. I have such faith in doctors these days..yeh right!

1 Day And Counting Until Body Bliss!
Tomorrow afternoon I'll be lying down enjoying a much needed JOE's erotic massage. I am feeling blissful just thinking about it. But really, I am looking forward to meeting two incredible friends, having dinner, and getting caught up. They're absolute sweethearts.

I don't know what it is but my testosterone is raging. Can someone please tell me why?!?! ;-)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006



Main Entry: me·so·mor·phic
Pronunciation: "me-z&-'mor-fik, "mE-, -s&-
Function: adjective
Etymology: mesoderm + -morphic; from the predominance in such types of structures developed from the mesoderm
1 : of or relating to the component in W. H. Sheldon's classification of body types that measures especially the degree of muscularity and bone development
2 : having a husky muscular body build
- me·so·mor·phy /'me-z&-"mor-fE, -s&-/ noun

My Bud, Joe.

Thank goodness it's Wednesday! I have been working my little 'arse' off this week between a school final paper and presentation, work, and getting myself back into weightlifting and a diet routine. It's amazing how a month of infrequent exercise and some excess 'sweets' can literally send your hard work pummeling backwards. I am so sore in my shoulder, pec, and lower back regions. But fear not, JOE is here! Joe happens to be a good friend of mine. I may have mentioned him very early on when I first started my blog. Anyway, only two more days and I'll be seeing him and his partner for dinner. And oh! Did I happen to tell you that he is a masseuse - a very good masseuse. I have a sneaky suspicion that my muscles will feel real good after my pre-dinner massage. Oh baby - Calgon (*insert 'JOE' here) take me away!! LMAO.

Enough! Time to move on with Wednesday WORD PLAY! Today's word choice is mesomorphic.

Usage: Perhaps Joe does not accurately represent the 'husky' in the definition of mesomorphic but damn, he sure has the 'muscular body build' hammered! And just think, he's all mine for two hours of pure bliss. If I can't have Jack Radcliffe, at least I have Joe.

So...again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word mesomorphic in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. As always, just have fun with it!

P.S. Sorry guys for not getting around to your blogs in the last day or two. The presentation had me tied up and then I volunteered Monday and last night to help my two dear friends from design school with their Historical Preservation boards. I'll be around soon.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Guys...before I start my post I just have to vent. Why do people resort to robbing people of there identity or manipulating it to bemean one's credibility? I have to admit that I am "pissed" right now. Upset with the indivdual or individuals that are robbing me of a person I enjoy hearing from nearly daily, either through his own postings or through comments he leaves on other blogs. Heck, I do not even know if he'll continue any email correspondence or accept my calls. Admittedly, I find myself asking if I want to continue to blog. Time will tell.

Step down from the podium and shift gears into today's post.

Last week for my Tuesday
"HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?" post, I initiated a Christmas-themed question. In an effort to stay along those lines, I ask you the following question:

How do you like to wrap you gifts - in traditional Christmas wrapping paper, in decorative bags, or in some home-made packaging of sorts? (If the last item, do share your Christmas packaging idea with us.)

As of the last few Christmas, I have opted for traditional Christmas wrapping paper because it's quick, convenient, and has been the cheapest for me (given personal budget constraints). But I used to like to make the wrapping more personal. I used to do things like use the comics section of the Sunday newspaper - a friend got me started doing this. I used to also make personal decorated tins and boxes. And occasionally, there were the decorated baskets whether for prepared foods or for actual non-food items. It was fun trying to figure out what someone might be able to use in their space once the gift was removed or that they would be able to recycle in some other means.

Share with us what your thinking at the moment!

Monday, December 04, 2006


Another Monday has crept up on us. Can You believe we are already into December and that winter is nearly upon us? Wasn't it just summer?

Anyhow, let's move into WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Monday. The question:
If you had to chose between one of the two - to be handsome or to be intelligent, what would you do, or rather chose? Keep in mind that you can only be either or - not both simultaneously.
I really don't see the need to think about this particular question too much. Lets face it, it's unfortunate but so much of gay interaction is driven by looks in my opinion. You may not agree with me but it seems to be what I have observed. I find it sad at least from a relationship standpoint. So many guys step into a relationship driven by physical appearance and never fully observe and communicate with the person they are with. What happens? - relationships that just don't last. I, for one, would much rather possess intelligence, in hopes that I could engage someone in a good adult conversation and possess the thought-process capability of making good rational decisions. I guess I am hoping that a good man would recognize the pluses in one being able to articulate intelligently rather than flashin' the dimples.

So your thoughts please and share why!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Well, I blew of both work and school today. Mind you I completed my class assignment for today. I just wasn't there to do the presentation portion. I emailed both my paper and Powerpoint presentation to the instructor to get partial credit. I showed up for my internship but spoke to one of the designers about leaving early. The designer told me to simply take the whole day off.

You wondering why I passed on school and work? I stopped by my little sister's house to check on her before work, only to have her break down and cry on my shoulders. I felt like 'sh*t!' I couldn't let her run around inn this state. So I said 'f*ck it' and made the decision that I did. And...I don't regret one minute of it now. It was the right thing to do. Now I just plan on crashing until the later side of tomorrow morning. Then a much needed workout as the 'tummy' is beginning to show some of the signs of the holiday excess. YUK!!! As for Saturday and Sunday, I'll be working on that final Art History paper and wrapping up coordination of my Powerpoint presentation with my personal administrative assistant! Should I complete things out early, I have no idea how I might treat myself.

So now that I have said my piece, I'd love to know, "What's up for YOUR weekend?" Remember, it can be simple and basic to something extreme. Anything is worth mentioning.


Before I forget, with today being World AIDS Day, 'click on the ribbon' to connect to Bristol-Meyers link. Light the candle on the link and have a dollar donated by Bristol-Meyers to AIDS research. How simple is that!!!! I just hope this works. If not, the link is .