Well, I am having one of those BLAH days. I went to bed last night pressured to get a homework assignment done when I really should have been elsewhere. And as a result, I am not feeling too good about my decision. More on that to come. Anyway, given the mood I am in and the lack of inspiration on a post, I thought I would simply put out some weekly tidbits today.
The Latest Internship News:
I just reached the halfway point of my internship today. I have 120 hours plus at the moment. I am waiting on my employers review which I should have next Tuesday. I am not sure if I will be privy to it or if my boss will simply place it in a sealed envelop to pass along to my internship coordinator. In any event, I believe it should be a good review. I am off today at lunchtime to go see one of the firm's complete projects. I saw it in its mid stage about two weeks ago and it was already looking hot!! I can't wait to see all the works in place today. It has a contemporary, edgy, industrial image happening!!
Just A BLAH Day Today:
At the beginning of this post I told you that I was feeling a bit BLAH and down today. Last night right after getting off work at 5:30pm I returned a call to my mother. Just the way she started the conversation I knew something was wrong. I had that 'pit' in my stomach. She progressed with the conversation, telling me that my little sister had lost the baby. Sister 'T' went in to have her first prenatal visit. When they pulled up the image of the baby on the ultrasound, my sister knew something was wrong based on the size (she has two children already so she is familiar with what to expect). They could see no movement. A blood test is being run to determine if the assessment is accurate. In any event, my brother-in-law was there this morning for the office visit but had to bolt immediately after for a two-day business trip back East. My sister was pretty upset according to my mom.
I swung by the sis's house on the way home from work but apparently she had taken the kids out for a quick dinner somewhere. I had to head off to get started on my schoolwork. I should have just bagged the homework assignment, taken the loss on the points, and headed back over to my sister's place. It has to be an empty feeling and only magnified because the person you love happens to not be there to lift you through the grieving. And then there still is the task of telling my niece and nephew that "mommy isn't having that baby after all." Two years is took for them just to get pregnant again. At least I left a note for my sister telling her that I hoped she was feeling alright and that I loved her. Enough...time for me to move on here.
All Points Bulletin Out For This Man!!:
So we are marching full on into the 2006 holiday season. Part of me is excited but a part of me is not. I've talked to a few friends as of late and so many seem down and or just not into the season. It's understandable. Some people find themselves financially strapped at this time of year, some battle depression, some don't have the closeness of family - either physically or emotionally, some suffer bad memories of holidays past. Whatever it might be that puts individuals in this state, I hope that each one of us takes a moment this holiday season to do two things. First, be aware of those around you and how they might be feeling. Take a moment to offer them some encouragement, a holiday cheer, a hug. Secondly, if it's you that is down, try to think of the little things that you have been successful at during the day. They all add up. And if you are feeling a sense of "loss of control," by all means, call a friend and talk.
Happy Holidays to you all!!