Thursday, November 30, 2006


Well, I am having one of those BLAH days. I went to bed last night pressured to get a homework assignment done when I really should have been elsewhere. And as a result, I am not feeling too good about my decision. More on that to come. Anyway, given the mood I am in and the lack of inspiration on a post, I thought I would simply put out some weekly tidbits today.

The Latest Internship News:
I just reached the halfway point of my internship today. I have 120 hours plus at the moment. I am waiting on my employers review which I should have next Tuesday. I am not sure if I will be privy to it or if my boss will simply place it in a sealed envelop to pass along to my internship coordinator. In any event, I believe it should be a good review. I am off today at lunchtime to go see one of the firm's complete projects. I saw it in its mid stage about two weeks ago and it was already looking hot!! I can't wait to see all the works in place today. It has a contemporary, edgy, industrial image happening!!

Just A BLAH Day Today:
At the beginning of this post I told you that I was feeling a bit BLAH and down today. Last night right after getting off work at 5:30pm I returned a call to my mother. Just the way she started the conversation I knew something was wrong. I had that 'pit' in my stomach. She progressed with the conversation, telling me that my little sister had lost the baby. Sister 'T' went in to have her first prenatal visit. When they pulled up the image of the baby on the ultrasound, my sister knew something was wrong based on the size (she has two children already so she is familiar with what to expect). They could see no movement. A blood test is being run to determine if the assessment is accurate. In any event, my brother-in-law was there this morning for the office visit but had to bolt immediately after for a two-day business trip back East. My sister was pretty upset according to my mom.

I swung by the sis's house on the way home from work but apparently she had taken the kids out for a quick dinner somewhere. I had to head off to get started on my schoolwork. I should have just bagged the homework assignment, taken the loss on the points, and headed back over to my sister's place. It has to be an empty feeling and only magnified because the person you love happens to not be there to lift you through the grieving. And then there still is the task of telling my niece and nephew that "mommy isn't having that baby after all." Two years is took for them just to get pregnant again. At least I left a note for my sister telling her that I hoped she was feeling alright and that I loved her. Enough...time for me to move on here.

All Points Bulletin Out For This Man!!:
Have any of you seen or heard from this man. It seems that Mr. 'Y' has lost his way. I spoke to him on the phone last Wednesday as I was driving home to the Bay Area for Thanksgiving. He was doing fine but somehow I think Ynager may be in a bit of a funk. I think a few of us need to pop into his blog and offer some encouragement.


Who All Has The Holiday 'Blues':
So we are marching full on into the 2006 holiday season. Part of me is excited but a part of me is not. I've talked to a few friends as of late and so many seem down and or just not into the season. It's understandable. Some people find themselves financially strapped at this time of year, some battle depression, some don't have the closeness of family - either physically or emotionally, some suffer bad memories of holidays past. Whatever it might be that puts individuals in this state, I hope that each one of us takes a moment this holiday season to do two things. First, be aware of those around you and how they might be feeling. Take a moment to offer them some encouragement, a holiday cheer, a hug. Secondly, if it's you that is down, try to think of the little things that you have been successful at during the day. They all add up. And if you are feeling a sense of "loss of control," by all means, call a friend and talk.

Happy Holidays to you all!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006



Main Entry: 1but
Pronunciation: 'b&t
Function: conjunction
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English butan, preposition & conjunction, outside, without, except, except that; akin to Old High German buzan without, except; akin to Old English be by, ut out -- more at BY, OUT
1 a : except for the fact [would have protested but that he was afraid] b : THAT -- used after a negative [there is no doubt but he won] c : without the concomitant that [it never rains but it pours] d : if not : UNLESS e : THAN [no sooner started but it stopped] -- not often in formal use
2 a : on the contrary : on the other hand : NOTWITHSTANDING -- used to connect coordinate elements [he was called but he did not answer] [not peace but a sword] b : YET [poor but proud] c : with the exception of -- used before a word often taken to be the subject of a clause [none but the brave deserves the fair -- John Dryden]
- but that : THAT -- used after a negative [there is no doubt but that it must be done]
- but what : that...not -- used to indicate possibility or uncertainty [I don't know but what I will go]

Ah yes! Another hump day, thank goodness! I already feel whipped (watch those minds of yours) and we' re just stepping into Wednesday. Just get me to this very time next week and I'll have a smile on my face. My Art History class will have concluded and school winter break will be upon me. Yippee! But wait that won't last too long as I have that darn Studio Project to get busy on...the class that I dropped this past quarter. Oh well, I am not going to think about that just yet.

Let's get moving with Wednesday WORD PLAY! Today's choice is a play off last week's simplicity of 'verbiage'...just three letters. As with last week's word choice, today's word can leave us or someone else feeling a bit in doubt or it can provide another option or 'out.' So with that said, the word for the day is but

Usage: I had so many options for choice of words today but none were as appealing as 'but.' I just kept thinking of all the directions this word could be taken. And yes, I know some of you may be so bold as to take 'but' and put a whole other spin on it. No boys, we are not talking about 'but'ts today but I must confess, the thought had crossed my mind!

Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word but in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. As always, just have fun with it!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


¿Lo puede creer usted? Es ya el martes. ¿Y eso significa tiempo para "COMO LE HACE LO QUIERE"? El martes. (Rough translation...Can you believe it? It is already Tuesday. And that means it is time for "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?" Tuesday.)

We all know now that Christmas is slowly working its way into the picture as the Thanksgiving holiday has passed. Most people begin to do their initial Christmas preparation - sprucing up their living space to incorporate some seasonal decorations. With this thought in mind, I pose the following question:
How do you like your Christmas tree - artificial or real?
Quite frankly, I have grown accustomed to artificial trees. Mind you, in my mind there is no substitute for the real 'Magoo.' It's just that my mom was highly allergic to them. She endured the allergy miseries for the first six years of my life but my parents finally had to move to an artificial tree. It solved the problem. As the years have gone by, I have found that the trees now are so life-like and more cost efficient that for me, it works. I tend to by some fresh greens, such as a wreath or garland to bring some of the fresh scent into the house. If you dress up the tree with all the right trimmings and touches, you'd be surprised at how often you can fool most people. Outside that, it's easy set up and easy take-down!

What works for you?

Monday, November 27, 2006


I am back home in southern California after spending my Thanksgiving holiday up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving break. I love northern California. As far as I am concerned, nothing tops it! I had a great time seeing family and spending some quality time with my two new nephews, Sean and Angelo. Was it obvious from previous posts? I even managed a short visit Friday afternoon with my friend and blogger bud, Tom, from The Untraveled Travel Guy in San Francisco. Just a simple lunch at the Sausage Factory in the Castro and a stroll around the neighborhood. Of course I had to sneak in a hot chocolate at "Bear"buck's (aka Starbuck's)! Stop by his blog sometime to say hi. He's writing a little less frequently but if you say hi, one never knows what you might stir up.

So let's move into WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Monday. The question:
What would you do if your house was burning uncontrollably and you only had time to save one item - what would that item be and why? (You can assume that all humans and pets have safely exited the house.)
Well, you all know by now that I have six other brothers and sisters. My first response would have been to grab the most important family photo I had - something with some history or story behind it. But given the number in our family I know that many of my siblings share in a number of duplicated photos. So there would be a high likelihood of easily replacing a family photo.

What I grab then? At this stage of my life and with what I currently possess, I'd say my laptop computer. It contains a wealth of information that I rely on, such as my design portfolio, address and phone information for many people I can not store in my phone, and much more. And quite frankly, it's also a source of communication for me.

So what is running through your mind as your thinking about this question? Do share.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Why do I feel like such a glutton after Thanksgiving? Seriously, the last couple of years I have cut back on what I eat on T-Day. I even beg the family members not to bring certain items to the family feast. But nooooooooooo! No one ever listens. And we all pay for it. So now I am stuffed or rather "I GOT STUFFED." Please someone take a barbecue fork and pop me. I need to relieve some of this pressure rolling around in my stomach. I so could use a workout today but being out of town, visiting family, I have no access to gym equipment - though I might just go out for a long fast walk or a jog.

I have to admit, I had an enjoyable Thanksgiving, my first at home in four years. We went up to my sister's in Sacramento to celebrate it. She is still recoop'ing from her shoulder injury sustained after my nephew's birth. So she thought it would be easier to have it at her place, with each of us bringing something, and my brother-in-law to do the turkey roasting. Everything was tasty as usual! And as for new nephew #2, Sean, he is as cute as Angelo. My sister sent me a picture of the two of them together and it's scary...they literally look like twins. I could not tell them apart in the picture until studying it good for about 5 minutes. I'll have to post it when I get it. Its not the best quality picture but you'll get the gist when you see it.

As for the balance of my Friday, it looks like I'll attempt to work on my Art History final paper and its annotated bibliography. But I will be getting together with my friend, Tom, from The Untraveled Travel Guy in San Francisco. I am looking forward to the visit. He's a great guy and a perfect catch for someone. I had hoped to meet up with Rob but he and his handsome hunk, Fuad, are gone for the holiday weekend. He deserves the time away.

So, after stuffing yourself to the max, assuming that was the case, what are you doing this holiday weekend?

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Thanksgiving conjures up a number of things for me, past and present. I am thankful to have been graced with... faith,, get-togethers and dinners,
...friends, abundance of food,
...freedom, stability (though currently am wondering about that),
...success in interior design school (though admittedly there have been times I still don't envision my self as good enough),
...and the hush and tranquility around the neighborhoods on this day.

These are only a few of the items that cross my mind. But on this day I also take time to remember. Remember...

...the homeless and the hungry throughout our cities and throughout the world, members and friends who have passed on,
...those men and woman who gave their lives for us at time of war to live amidst freedom,
...and those individuals who do not benefit the freedoms we do socially, religiously, and economically.

I hope each of you finds a moment to be thankful and to remember. To all of my family, to all of my closest friends, and to those of you that read and /or communicate with me from Blogland, I wish you the happiest of Thanksgivings and so much more as we step into the 2006 holiday season. Wish I could reach through the computer and give each of you a holiday hug. Enjoy yourselves and please think 'safety' too.

Addendum: I am so happy to be home for Thanksgiving after 4 years. I just saw the first of my two new nephews, Angelo, and guys, he's killer handsome. Let's just say that I don't think any guy I've kissed has received as many as my nephew did in one sitting. And tomorrow I see little Sean. Wahoo!

Some Turkey Day Humor

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



Main Entry: 1if
Pronunciation: 'if, &f
Function: conjunction
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gif; akin to Old High German ibu if
1 a : in the event that b : allowing that c : on the assumption that d : on condition that
3 -- used as a function word to introduce an exclamation expressing a wish
4 : even though : although perhaps
5 : and perhaps not even -- often used with not
- if anything : on the contrary even : perhaps even

Wednesday WORD PLAY is up again! Today's choice is rather a simple word...just two letters. But such a small word with so many meanings and contextual uses. Who would imagine that such a basic word could create so much doubt in an individual's mind. So with that said, today's word is If.

Usage: 'If' is such a simple word. If I knew that I was talented in interior design years ago, I would not have wasted any time in learning the necessary skills to have been successful early. Live and learn. If I had sufficient income, I'd invest some of it in my own 'branding' line of design to incorporate furniture, accessories, fabrics, linens, and much more. If I knew this word 'If ' was going to depress me like it's doing with all of the doubt created in my mind, I would have never chosen it for today's WORD PLAY. LOL.
Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word 'If ' in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


What comes after Monday? Tuesday! And what does that signal at this time of the week? at this blog it means it is time for How Do You Like It? Tuesday.
In honor of Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, I have this question for you:
How do you like your Thanksgiving turkey cooked - oven-roasted, barbecued, or deep fried?
In days gone by I would have told you that I want my turkey to be traditional...which means baked in the oven. But guys, as of lately, like the past two to three years, I have had it deep fried. And let me tell you, if you have never had turkey deep-fried, you are missing something incredible. It takes no more than 45-50 minutes for a 20-25 pound turkey and you get the most moist meat throughout the entire turkey, white and dark meat. We usually inject the bird with lots of butter and have gone with a spicy Cajun seasoning the last couple of cookings. To die for is all I can say!!! Now all you have to do is throw in my brother-in-law's restaurant style garlic mashed potatoes, mom's homemade stuffing (I have yet to taste any stuffing that tops it), French-style cut green beans with almond slivers, and mom's homemade pumpkin pie....I'm in heaven.

So fill us in on how you like your turkey and if you want to divulge more about your yearly ritual feast then feel free, by all means.

P.S.> Heading on home to the SF Bay Area tomorrow morning, bright and early, most likely around 4:30-5am. I may just be giving some of my buds personal calls while I am on the road. I hope I have Internet connectivity at my mom's house - of course, that all depends on my mom's neighbors *wink*.

Monday, November 20, 2006


So the weekend was a bit laid back for me. I did get my Tuesday Art History paper completed. I got a couple of workouts in as well though I opted for a day of rest yesterday - the biceps and the shoulder muscles were feeling a little sore. But managed to sneak in washing my car, so not all was lost. I also spoke with my buds, Pete, Derek, Brett(Cajun) and Spider between Friday and Saturday. We got all caught up with our news. I also got a very brief phone call from Smiley (Josh) yesterday. He had to cut it short because he was dealing with an emergency situation. Guys, Josh's issue wasn't life threatening but keep him in your thoughts. That poor soul just seems to get hit with one too many 'one-two punches.' I'm thinking about you my friend!

Guess I should move my sweet little tail into today's weekly topic of WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Monday. I must tell you in advance that I have often pondered this question I am about to pose to you. And if I am correct, I bet many of you have thought about it too. If you haven't, it may be an eye-opener. The question:
What would you do if you must lose one of your five senses - chose to lose your sight, your hearing, your sense of smell, your ability to taste, or your sense of touch (feeling). Mind you, on your sense of touch, I am talking about loosing your ability to feel any sensation through your skin.
Making a decision on this subject it not easy. There are far too many variables to consider about the loss of any one of the five senses. But I have thought about this question too often to even hesitate any more. I would, without reservation, chose to lose my sense of taste. Hopefully I could rely on my sense of touch to tell me if I was going to put anything scalding in my mouth. I could make a list a mile long on my reasons but I think my one example is enough to give you an idea about the "why."

As for the other senses, I'd miss simple pleasures like a baby's cooing or cry for that matter, the trickling of a meandering brook, the subtle chirps of birds in a distance far too much to part with my hearing. I gain so much from seeing. The element of vision is what stirs me the most. Seeing beauty is what captures my imagination. Seeing a human's reaction grounds me. To me smell helps identify the environment your are in. It creates a sense of pleasure but it also alerts you to harm. I think one's ability to touch/feel also evokes similar sensations as smell.

Having read the question and my thoughts, what is running through your mind? I'm curious!

Friday, November 17, 2006


12:06 am Work seems to be kicking my butt more and more these days...mind you it's a good thing. The bad thing is that I am finding in hard to do Friday posts 'cause, come Thursday night, all I am doing is thinking about going to bed and sleeping in a little on Friday. I don't know about you, call me weird, but I actually enjoyed hearing what you all had plans to do last weekend.

So with that mentioned , I'd love to know,
"What's up for the weekend?" Remember, it can be simple and basic to something extreme. Anything is worth mentioning.

I tend to incorporate Friday days into my weekend accountability. Plan on sleeping in this morning. Then heading on out to get my long-overdue haircut. I will then make a few phone calls to friends (hmmm! Spidie, Pete, BrettC, Audrey), including yet another series of tries to this hard-to-reach individual. Oh yah ~ much like the Cajun, I need to squeeze in a workout. In fact, I need to get myself back on a committed weekly schedule of diet and workout like I had three to four months ago. Then its off to the local library to do some research on Mia Lin, the designer of the Vietnam War Memorial.

On Saturday, I need to meet with my brother-in-law to share some of my thoughts on his company log. Remember, that was the logo I designed, or at least I thought. I knew he was going to have to get a graphic designer to finish out the color element and clean-up of the logo. But I never thought this designer would nearly scrap all the ideas I had and design something that in my mind looks awfully close to the Chase Manhattan log/credit card. Guess I am a little biased toward my efforts. I'll also start a short paper I have to do on the International Style of architecture.

Lastly Sunday. Probably I will be stuck finishing the short paper I just described to you. Beyond that I have no idea other than I am liable to be on the phone fighting for Josh Groban concert tickets that go on sale for a March Staples Center concert (L.A.).

SIMPLY THRILLED THAT THE WEEKEND IS UPON US! Let me know what you have planned.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I lay here tonight, my mind drifting as I listen to Josh (Groban). My spirit wanes momentarily as thoughts flash back to times past. I wish I could share this new album (Awake) with you. Do you remember how you intently listened to Josh's words, attempting to snatch those catch lines and sing with him? I do. You always did enjoy a good tenor or baritone. **chuckling a bit** Hell, you use to drive us all nuts on occasion as you attempted to give us your vocal version of the 'greats.' I'm not sure Mario Lanza will ever sound the same. I am here right now, eyes welling a tad but with the biggest smile across my face.

How can I forget those goofy moments of yours when you'd belt a Sinatra tune out for mom, that silly smirk on your face, those eyes rolling over to the side, the eyebrows moving slyly up and down, those lips puckered right in front of mom, and mom meekishly (intentionally I suppose **one more chuckle** ) fending you off, taking a swat at you but laughing as she did it. And you just grabbing her back until you stole that one kiss.

Damn...I wish I could capture that last real hug and kiss that I gave you. I can still see that Sunday night. You feeling totally down, the depression almost worse that the cancer itself. It was time for me to head home but part of me wanted to stay forget about work the following day. I began to leave after saying goodbye and as I passed you, I remember simply feeling compelled to give you that kiss I so seldom gave you. My hands slid under your lifeless arms, arms that had represented all the strength in the world at one time. I squeezed you, gave you the biggest hug I had ever given you, pulling you partially up off your recliner. And then that big kiss on your left cheek and that half-choked "I LOVE YOU DAD."

I know I have said this far too many times to ever recall a number....but I MISS YOU DAD, SO SO MUCH! At least I find comfort dad in the strength that your death has given me in sharing my experiences about it with others. And I have met a few. I hope someone finds meaning in what I do share...if it generates one smile, if it lessens someone's grief a wee bit then I know you are near by. "Dad...can you do me a royal favor and ask the good Lord to help me sleep tonight, 'cause right now it ain't lookin' to good. Night!" (12:38am, Thursday morning)

***Sorry guys...a bit melancholy tonight thanks to listening to Josh Groban. My dad loved him. And well next Wednesday will be 4 years since he passed away. Smiley and Rob...guess tonight I'm in unison with the way you two have felt over the last couple of months as those anniversary dates have come and gone. ****

Wednesday, November 15, 2006



Main Entry: ex·as·per·ate
Pronunciation: ig-'zas-p&-"rAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Latin exasperatus, past participle of exasperare, from ex- + asper rough -- more at ASPERITY
1 a : to excite the anger of : ENRAGE b : to cause irritation or annoyance to
2 obsolete : to make more grievous : AGGRAVATE
synonym see IRRITATE
- ex·as·per·at·ed·ly adverb
- ex·as·per·at·ing·ly /-"rA-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

HUMP DAY! We're rollin' into another Wednesday WORD PLAY. The word is: exasperate!

Usage: I am exasperated over the thoindividualssome indivduals can not step up to the plate and take ownership of their lives as an adult. Instead they find the means to make tresponsibilitiessponsibilitites those of others. Heck I am exasperated that I had to even mention this issue.

Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word exasperate in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. As always, just have fun with it!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I have to say guys were all great about pondering and responding to my What Would You Do? question on friendship. I have to admit that many of you got me thinking about the way I have handled the two friendships I shared with you. In all honesty, one of them is probably well behind me, though it will remain one that definitively effected my life. The other friendship, may just be salvageable if the person should come back into the picture. I hope you all found the subject worth while.

On to today's HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? post. Again, I have opted to make this a bit more light-hearted and it should be a blast seeing what direction you all go with this one. Only your minds will inhibit you as to how you respond. The day's question is:
How do you like it - slow and easy, fast and hard, or slow and easy to start with a fast and hard finish?
The truth be told, I like it slow and easy to start with a fast and hard finish! Nothing can be more invigorating than to work the body in slowly, get it relaxed, and ready to handle what is about to come. And then step right into the fast, hard workover to release all that tension and ultimately rejuvenate the 'body.' Doesn't that sound incredible?! Well, what were you thinking? I was referring to the type of massage I love to receive. But you know, come to think of it, the sex I enjoy seems to work best that way. I wonder if that was what you all were thinking when you first started to read my response. Gotch'ya!!

So everyone have fun with this one and give us some of the details? You can take it from any angle you like.

***Addendum 11/14/06 6:58am PST...Just so you all know, just because I responded to my post the way I did, doesn't mean the post has to do with the answers I gave. It might just be something else.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Well...I don't know about all of you but I had a respectable weekend. I managed phone conversations with Pete, Derek, and Spider this weekend. During our chatting we talked about all getting together sometime in the coming year for a vacation...perhaps somewhere off the coast of Florida, perhaps D.C., perhaps New York, perhaps somewhere in a mountain cabin off in Tennessee. Somehow I think we'll make it happen. I also got my daily text message updates from that darlin' but crazy Cajun from Luz'iana, BrettCajun. In singles and doubles, he lost in the first round of the Winner's bracket but came back strong in the Loser's bracket to make it to both finals. Unfortunately his legs just had no more energy in them. Now Bretster, didn't I tell you in the past you needed to pick up the cardio. Just kidding bud! Great effort on your part.

Anyway, I have digressed a bit from today's post. It's Monday and it's time again for my "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?" post. Today's post is:

If you saw that a long-time and/or very good friendship was beginning to wane, what would you do?

I realize that this question could be approached in several ways but I am going to leave it stand as is so that you can interpret and respond to it as it applies to you. I actually have had several long-time friendships that go back to my high school days, diminish over the years. For me, it has been a heart-wrenching trip. Most of you probably have a good sense of how important my friends are to me and how I value those that are still apart of my life. Anyhoo, the friends that I was just referring to were both good high school buddies and one went on to be my room mate in college freshman year. They became part of my family extension. As we graduated from college, work seemed to dominate our lives. Then my college room mate married. We didn't do much together after that and my contact with him became limited to the holidays. Even then the contact became always initiating it.

My other friend, lived closed by, and ran his own deli. It was extremely successful. He was perhaps my closest friend. That changed when I moved from the San Francisco side of the Bay Area over to the East Bay. I was about a 45 minute to an hour drive from him. Our contact became more of a phone call escapade. He put extremely long hours into his deli and eventually moved and commuted from Woodlands to his work location. Lets just say that Woodlands is about an hour and a half drive to San Francisco. He had to go another twenty minutes from there to get to his deli. Phone calls became infrequent and we were down to a Christmas card exchange. Again, this diminished to a one-sided contact at Christmas...yes, me sending the card. I finally got a card one Christmas out of the blue. It was a personalized photo card and right smack on the photo was a picture of him and his new bride from four months earlier. He talked about how happy he was and also about what my dad used to tell him on finding a woman (all this coming from a friend who did not even show up at either my dad's wake or funeral). My best friend, even though the communication had waned, did not even give me the courtesy of a call to tell me he was even engaged (I would have been perfectly fine not being a part of the wedding given the time was just the lack of letting me know of the change.). At the very moment I finished reading his Christmas card, I let go of the friendship. I have not corresponded since...he knows where I am currently. So if he desires to reach me, I welcome it then. But I think we all grow tired after awhile when someone can't even exchange a simple, "Hello. How are you doing?" by means of their own volition.

My answer to the question then of 'what would I do?' is: as long as I sense there is still a viable connection between myself and my friend, I will make every effort to maintain that friendship, initiating calls, trying to set up some fun gathering event, whatever. But if there is no reasonable reciprocation, then I chose now to devote my efforts to other new, evolving friendships, to family, and to personal endeavors. Mind you, I don't hold animosity or a grudge against the friend. I just recognize that life is too short, and sometimes everyone has to refocus there energies in areas where they are welcomed. Make sense?

Hopefully I haven't hit you with another heavy topic on a Monday morning like last week, but you know, the mind needs some good stimulation every now and then. So what better way to get the brain jumpstarted?!

Friday, November 10, 2006


So it's 1:00am Friday morning. I just spent the last two hours reading all my blogroll and commenting. I so love to check in with everyone. In any event, I need to post something but have no inspiration. I start to ponder what I plan to do this weekend and then the little "lightbulb" in the ol' noggin pops on! I know what I'll be doing this weekend but I have no clue what you are all doing.

With that mentioned, I'd like to know, " What's up for the weekend?" Tell me what you have planned. It can be as simple as picking your nose to as extreme-charged as parasailing the Grand Canyon. In other words it's all worth mentioning.

I have a make-up time on weightlifting and cardio workouts to do, a paper and presentation to proof (more like learn about...thanks Spider), a niece to visit to wish her a happy belated birthday and give her the gift I have, and a theatrical production of Riverdance to see Sunday evening. Am I glad it's the weekend.

Spill those beans!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


As I mentioned in yesterday's WORD PLAY post very slyly, I was going to introduce you to part of the plethora of family I have. So here are the newest additions to the Stroker's clan - my two nephews. Gosh darn, they are the cutest little buggers, aren't they? This is one UNCLE with a big smile on his face. One of my sisters finally got some of the photos put on-line and I have had the other, via a birth announcement, for a while. I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving and just smother these two with kisses and tender hugs.

Sean at 10 days old...darn, he looks like he is already 1-2 mos. old.

Sean in yet another outfit, about 5 days old.

7 lbs.- 12 Ounces
19 inches

Little Angelo on the day of his birth.


7 lbs.- 0 Ounces
19.25 inches

Guys... this is what life is all about as far as I am concerned! It will always be an element in my life that I will miss from a personal perspective. Now if we can just get my little sister through her pregnancy without complications, I'll have number 11 to cuddle with come next July. Fingers crossed and lots of prayers going out there.

Aren't you glad!... One more day and the weekend is here. Wahoo!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006



Main Entry: pleth·o·ra
Pronunciation: 'ple-th&-r&
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Greek plEthOra, literally, fullness, from plEthein to be full -- more at FULL
1 : a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion
- ple·tho·ric /pl&-'thor-ik, ple-, -'th¤r-; 'ple-th&-rik/ adjective

So here we go rollin' into another Wednesday WORD PLAY. I just thought that since we guys are blessed with an 'abundance' of thangs, yes that's thangs, that this was the perfect word for today. The word is: plethora!

Usage: I have to say I am blessed to have the plethora of men in my life....oh baby, life is so good these days. Add the plethora of family that I have and all I can say is I am 'SOARING!! Stay tuned for tomorrow's post that will show a portion of that family plethora. Now could I have used plethora one more time...oops, I just did!

Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word plethora in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


First, I want to thank all my readers who commented yesterday on my post. I realize that the subject matter was an intense issue to start with on a Monday. I had contemplated not posting it but it fit all too well with my weekly topic of What Would You Do. What I am appreciative for is the time that each of you took to really offer a thought-provoking opinion. To me this is what blogging is about - being able to mix up the serious with the light-hearted. And getting people to respond not merely with a one line comment but a brief opinion statement. Again thanks!

So...Tuesday's here! Oh yes, Tuesday's here! And with it comes another How Do You Like It? question. It just hit me, even though we are seven days into the's fricken November already. Ok Tony, snap out of it...on to the question for today:

How do you like it - with the lights on or with the lights off?

Well, in all honesty...I outgrew t
he boogey man a number of years ago, so I find it much more restful these days sleeping with the lights out! OK, did I catch you in one of those "WTF is he talking about" moments. Gotch'ya! You know damn well where I was going with this question, don't you? I have to say that I like doing it in the dark, butt-naked, most of the time - probably more so when it is very sensual, romantic love-making. It's just the perfect opportunity to really feel every element of the experience that your partner is sharing and giving you. OOOOO! The tingling sensations I am getting already thinking about it. Now, if I want to get plain down and dirty, I'd have to say that I would want the lights on. The adrenalin only gets pumping from seeing all that hot sweaty action...ok I need a Jack Radcliffe video now. Hey Spo, can you help me out here?

So everyone have fun with this one and give us some of the details!
And you?

Monday, November 06, 2006


It's Monday, the start of a new week. Part of me is excited 'cause I get to go into work - my internship. The other part is not excited. Why? The two darn midterm papers I have due between my art history class and the internship bi-quarterly class meeting. I have the 'biggy' done for the Internship segment but the other I'll be working on today. Anyhoo....

Let's get to today's post. Hopefully you all had a great weekend. After a week absence, it's time again for my "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?" post. Today's question is:

If a friend called you and gave clear indication to you based on comments that he was struggling with depression, what would you do?

I've been wanting to ask this question for a while now. I have even contemplated writing a post about it ~ though perhaps later. For now, I comment briefly. If I had a friend that in the course of the conversation was sounding off-beat, down in his or her responses. I'd probe more but in a tactful manner. I can't simply let people go if they are giving me an unsettled feeling, especially if they are friends. See I had a cousin who had depression but who, unfortunately, was never diagnosed. He let the weight of the world throw him into a tailspin. He had reason to go in that direction but people didn't listen to him carefully. As a result, he is a Golden Gate Bridge statistic. It hurts saying that right now but it's the truth. I remember when I heard the news how torn I was so much so that I broke down at work.

In any event, back to the point. I've learned to ask people how they are, if something is upsetting them, if they want to talk. And I don't back off too easy, 'cause what sometimes may be a short-lived, simple bout of depression turns into a more serious, long or life-threatening depression. And if I had to make the call to someone to get my friend help, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I won't see another person lose his/her life or be institutionalized in some manner because I chose to sit back.

So as heavy a topic as this is, how would you respond?

Friday, November 03, 2006


It seems like my internship work is really 'zapping' the energy out of me these days but in a good way. It just makes it harder for me though, at week's end, to really pull a blog piece together. Mind you, I still have ideas to write about in my head. I just find it hard to want to spend time putting them to words, especially when all I am doing these days is writing papers for my Art History class. In any event, I thought this would be a good time to toss out some weekly tidbits to my reading public.

You Do Mean The World To Me!:
There is a certain "arachnid" out there that just doesn't seem to get enough credit for the person he is. He, much like Derek, is a true friend - perhaps a special friend! Of course that incredible arachnid is SPIDER. What can I say about a person who shares in the ups and downs of your life's experiences, is there to pull you up when you need pulling up, and often just doesn't get enough credit for being the loving and giving person that he is. He even does homework too! Sometimes I am not sure how I would keep my sanity on certain days. So Mr. Spidie!, Muchos gracias! (and don't correct me on spelling here...hehehe!) for being there, for being you, for all your help. Sending the hugs your way.

All Points Bulletin Out For This Man!!:
Have any of you seen or heard from this man. It seems that Smiley has lost his way. I know I haven't heard from him via phone or blog comments. We need to pull him from the depths of his Baltimore isolation and get him back into BLOGLAND as well as out-and-about amongst the rest of the world. Maybe coax him outside of the state of Maryland.


The Latest Internship News:
Well, I finished out week three of my internship. I am loving it - I love the stuff I am being exposed to and I love the people I am working with. And it is becoming more apparent that they love having me. I got such an indirect compliment yesterday. I have been working on proofing, correlating, and transferring 600 plus pages of scheduled furniture data to the new process book for a large medical center project - 120K square feet project. I almost finished it today after working three days on it - 60 pages short. The designers were blown away. But that wasn't the compliment portion. The firm's principle told me that the designer heading the project I was working on, specifically wanted me to do the CAD updating on the project because she knows I have the coding down 'pat' and that I understand what's going on with the furniture scheduling. The principle (the owner) was originally going to have another full-time employee do the CAD entry. So I was pleasantly surprised. Plus I am also getting subtle hints that they would love to have me on board as a paid employee. The opportunity is there but I am playing it cool for now until I know whether I am in my last class next quarter.

Family Woes This Past Week:
Since I last posted about the birth of my two nephews, each of my sisters had some unexpected woes. Sister A, little Sean's mom, was getting ready to check out of the hospital last Friday. She happened to reach across the bed to get something of hers and as she did her shoulder dislocated. The male nurses there tried for 15 minutes to get her shoulder back in place, to no avail. She was writhing in pain, the nurses growing 'greener' by the minute. She finally had to order them out because they were making her feel worse. Only two long hours later was she in surgery getting her shoulder placed back in its socket. Now she is in a sling for three weeks and once that is over, she has to get in for MRIs and surgery. The doctor said she can't put off the surgery any longer. So here Sister A is a brand new mother for the first time and can not even enjoy holding her son in a normal manner. I feel for her.

Then there is Sister K, little Angelo's mom. She gave birth 2 1/2 weeks ago. Well, Halloween night, as my brother-in-law was running the niece and nephew around the neighborhood (the newest one at home with my sister, passing out candy), my sister began hemorrhaging. Without totally freaking you all out, she said she was bleeding all over the was like a scene from CARRIE. Her words, not mine. She made that emergency call to my brother-in-law, got him home, and then made the call. My brother-in-law called an ambulance and had her taken to the hospital while he stayed home with the three kids. Unfortunately none of my family in that immediate area were in town at the time to call for help. She spent the night and had out-patient surgery the next day. DAMN OB-GYN...he left in a chuck of the placenta. I won't say any more about what ran through my head as she was telling me this. Sister K is doing well now and is home.

Who Said Things Stopped At 1o!:
If you recall from last weeks tidbit post, I said that the two newest nephews brought the niece/nephew count up to 10. Well, dear ol' Pete made a premonition-type comment about that topic in my comments section that day. He said something to the effect, 'so why not eleven?!' Well guess what? Last Saturday, my little sister, Sister T, and my brother-in-law informed me they were expecting. She still needs to get into the doctor's office for the first check-up and confirmation, but it looks like number 11 is on the way, due sometime around the beginning of July. YIPPEE!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Yesterday's post was on the word 'contemplative.' And admittedly I have been in one of those contemplative moods for the past couple of days. One of the many things I found myself thinking about, as I periodically do, was friendship. My circle of friends has grown in leaps and bounds. You all know from past blog entries that I often find the time to write about some of my friends, whether it be in a 'singled out' post or through a birthday wish post.

Well, today I just need to share some thoughts about one of my good ol' southern boy friends. It happens to be Derek over at Past, Present, and Future. I look back now at how I first came to know Derek and a big smile crosses my face. While my bud, Brett(Cajun), probably was the catalyst for me entering the blogworld, I'd have to say that Derek was the stoker of the fire! It was the following comment Derek made that, for the first time in my life, made me feel
" that hottie in green a fellow blogger? Woof."

Imagine when my eyes caught the comment in Brett's April 21, 2006 post?! I was floored, seriously. Let's just say that opened the door to more frequent visits to Derek's site. Afterall, how could I ignore someone that could lay such a flattering comment on me. And mind you, when I caught glimpse of those piercing eyes and that infectious smile in Derek's profile, I was sucked further into reading his blog. If I could digress briefly, I have to share with you the first thought that popped into my head when I saw Derek's picture..."what a big giant warm, fuzzy teddy-bear." Ok, now I said it so back to the point on hand. As I read his blog, it became apparent that Derek was similar to me in many ways. After having met him, after numerous phone conversations, I can honestly say it's even more apparent. Derek is very much the sensitive, open-and kind-hearted, introspective, genuine person that so much of his writing portrays. These are just a few of the traits that I love about him. The other thing that always draws a warm smile from me is Derek's ability to be so openly blunt and real in such a southern innocent way. I love it!

We have often exchanged stories over the phone about family. He always speaks fondly of his immediate, as well as extended family. I am no different. I think some of that comes from his upbringing - family values, morals, faith. While I tend to be convicted to my faith, Derek probably lies more on the spiritual side (*my impression only). I appreciate his open-mindedness in his attempts to understand my Catholic faith position.

I have not only been blest with meeting Derek, but now I have met his "better" half (I am an equal opportunity person here - I want to be sure each gets his share of 'equal ego-stroking!' LMAO). I'm excited that Mike is now part of my life and I hope the friendship there develops as mine did with Derek.

Guess I could ramble on but I don't want Derek's ego to get too inflated. Just kidding my friend! So I end this post with a personal message to Derek,
"If I could only begin to say exactly how much having you in my life means...and now Mike. I'd surely squeeze the life out of you and Mike with death-grip hugs. You embody all the elements of what a friend is to me. Miss you two lugs."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006



Pronunciation: 'kän-t&m-"plAt, -"tem-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -plat·ed; -plat·ing
Etymology: Latin contemplatus, past participle of contemplari, from com- + templum space marked out for observation of auguries -- more at TEMPLE
transitive verb
1 : to view or consider with continued attention : meditate on [contemplate the vastness of the universe]
2 : to view as contingent or probable or as an end or intention [contemplate marriage]
intransitive verb : PONDER, MEDITATE
synonym see CONSIDER
- con·tem·pla·tor /-"plA-t&r/ noun

Another hump day is upon us so it's time for Wednesday WORD PLAY. Since we often find ourselves doing acting this way by this time of the week, thinking about the weekend ahead, I thought today's word should be contemplate.

Usage: Sometimes I find myself in a mood that just seems out-of-sync for the day. I was in a funky mood yesterday, contemplating what my friends mean to me, wondering if everything in their lives was in order, thinking of ways I could help them if it was needed. I was even contemplating what my life would be like now if all my dearest friends lived in "my backyard." Y'all know what I mean!?!

Again, the "play" portion...any comment you leave must use the word contemplate in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about. Just have fun with it!